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April's Highlights

April 30, 2000

Well, there was a showing of the Rocky Horror Picture Show here last night as well. Pictures curtosey of Schlake. It was broken up about an hour into the show, and the pictures are at least for the most part from the pre-show. Looks like it was quite an interesting spectecale, but according to Becky there was nothing going on when it was actually broken up. Who knows...

April 29, 2000

Ok, so I am sitting outside and updating my site from the balcony. It's a pretty cool view right now. Kinda cloudy. Looks like there might be some rain in the area, and this kid out on the half pipe can't's kinda funny. I don't think he has completed a full circuit since I started watching. Not too much has really happened today. Finally got my computer hooked up to watch DVDs again. So we watched The Holy Grail. A cop just came flying through the parking lot. What up with that? Oh well. Guess I am rambling again. Sorry bout that. We will probably watch another movie or two tonight, and might drink out at Box Canyon for a bit tonight. Gotta find someone to drive if I do, though. Maybe Keagan, but I want to take my car out there and go off-roading for a bit before I start drinking. I guess I could get him to drive my car back or something, but I think he is going to have some wine coolers tonight. Sissy drinks ;) At least he doesn't drink for the sole purpose of drinking or getting drunk. People that do annoy me. I refuse to give them any of my alcohol for that very reason.


THE TOWN IS ON FIRE!!!!! Something over by the sewage treatment plant is burning quite well. Keagan and a few others just took off to try and get some pictures before they get it out. hopefully they make it. just what this town needed. this town needs a fire...reminds me of a pkids song...hehe...well, looks like they almost have it out, but it is really cool. i'm loving it. it is split into two fires, so it might flame back up a bit. i think they almost have the south part out, but the north end keeps flaring up on occasion. it isn't too often you see this many people on the third floor of south. mike e's RA is up here...

April 28, 2000

It's friday again. Not much has happened today, other than I have made next week even more difficult. Oh well. Nothing I can't handle, although my last structural lab just got a bit more interesting. Going to go see my geomorphology TA's band later tonight. Wonder if their band is any good. I think Harland is the drummer, and the band is the Cast Grooves. Can we tell it is a band of geology grad students? I mean, they should have been able to come up with something better than that...

April 26, 2000

I am sitting here out on the Rio Grande listening to the Poster Children and watching the water flow. My geo lab today was a bbq out here, so it was better than most of them I get to attend. I had a cheese burger and a couple of beers. I think I might be able to talk at least my TA into going to the pkids concert on May 6th. We are leaving now, so I will add more later..ok, sitting in the van now starting on the way back to campus. I can't believe I am listening to John Denver right now. Go figure. Need to get back to another pkids song. I actually registered for classes on time today. I'm at 15 credits, so I can drop one if necessary. I think they are all making fun of me listening to John Denver, but who cares. I kinda like this song. RTFM will be played soon. I like RTFM. If you do not know RTFM, then you should RTFM. Sorry. probaby didn't make much sense to a few of you. It is really a pain in the ass to type while driving along a dirt road, and no, i am not the one driving. I'm not that insane just yet. Maybe next year. There is actually a lot of green out here. I'm not used to that anymore. Can't wait to get back to my room so I can actually post this. Wonder how many people in my class I will get to go to the pkids concert. Need to get as many people there as I can. I know how much they need the support in Abq. Do they get played on any local radio stations? They might not even have any advertising for it. Could be part of the problem. My TA is about to rearend a little dinky pontiac in front of us. The idiot was going wat too slowly, and we just ran a yellow light. I miss rivers sometimes. I'll have to head back out to that spot sometime and maybe head out to one of the point bars. Well, we are almost back at campus, so adios!

April 23, 2000

I'm way behind on doing this, but not as bad as I had thought I was. I mean, this is only a week long gap. That isn't too bad...Well, not all that much has been going on lately. Life has been pretty boring, and I have been sleeping way too much instead of getting caught up with my work. I should really work on my labs today, before the x-files. Cause I won't be doing anything by that point. Looking back over some of my entries, I see that I never mentioned that I got my cast off over a week ago. I think on the 13th, if that was a friday. Somewhere around there anyways. The foot kinda bugs, and I find it a little ironic that the only part that isn't bugging me is where I broke the thing in the first place. Go figure.

In other news, I missed a great concert in Chicago on Friday. Of course, I wouldnt' have been able to go had I been home anyways. But it was Rose's, the bassists, birthday. I can't wait until the pkids come here on the 6th. There is no way I will be missing that show. I know that at least Matt will be going with me, and hopefully someone who actually knows how to get to the launchpad. I think I will throw in my two pkids albums, and listen to those for a while.

April 16, 2000

Weird. I now know another person going to jail. Another of my fellow graduates from highschool. I don't even feel like trying to figure out how many that makes...and hopefully that link will stay up for a while. If not, I will have to bitch out the paper...they probably deserve it anyways :-) or something...Other than that, not much going on. A rather boring Palm Sunday. X-files was interesting, though. The second one is a little trippy, though...

April 14, 2000

Well, I now have my laptop back. What joy. Something to do this weekend. I think I have most of it back up to spec, but who knows. There are still a few things I kinda want, but I think I will have matt go through and delete all the stuff that I will definitly not need. I was told I might get more forum participation if i made a better way to get to it, or made it stand out somehow. Not sure how to do this though. Any suggestions from y'all? I mean, you are the ones that I want interested, so let me know what would be a cool way to look at my site or something. I want to know that people look at this stuff, ya know? I mean, I already know what is going on, so y'all need to let me know what type of things interest you and all that. So let me know what you want. I'm not a mind reader, so you have to tell me these things. I mean, it's not like I am a genius. Blah. Guess that is about it for now...

April 11, 2000

I don't really have anything all that important to say, so I will just post some lyrics. Hopefully I get both computers working right sometime soon. This is from the Poster Children song Zero Stars.

Driving down the highway on the lookout for the cops Breaking every limit we're the band that never stops Eighty miles an hour and five hundred miles a day After two weeks every exit starts to look the same We don't have a future, we don't have a past All we have are speeding tickets and a tank of gas We're not on the TV, we're not on the charts You don't know our faces and you don't know who we are We're zero stars Wake up at the crack of noon and head out on the road Get lost for an hour while we're looking for the show Tear the roof off every night and load back in the van Find a place to sleep before the whole thing starts again We keep making records, we keep writing songs We are happy hiding underneath the underground We don't play areans, we only play in bars We don't need to pay someone to plug in our guitars We're zero stars We don't get a paycheck, we don't have a boss We don't sit in cubicles with memos on the walls We don't need a weekend, we don't need a break We are on vacation for forever and a day We don't have a future, we don't have a past We maxed out the credit cards and we're out of gas We're not on the TV, we're not on the charts And we really don't care if you don't know who we are We're zero stars

April 5, 2000

My mind is shot. I am seriously thinking about going in, talking to the dean of students,a nd getting permission to withdraw from school this semester. Probably wouldnt' be the best thing for me to do, but it keeps sounding better and better. I just don't want to have to go home. I seriously think this is the most burnt out I have ever been. I wasn't even this bad in high school. But then again, last semester is probably still above it. At least I am doing better this semester. I just can't do a lot of the stuff that I like to do. Hopefully it is only 8 more days til I get this bloody cast off my foot. My foot is at least feeling better. Smells pretty nasty, though. At least it is starting to look a little better. I am pretty sure I will have it off a week from tommorrow. That will definitly be the highlight of my semester. Could everyone please post on my forum and tell me how much of an idiot I am? For whatever reasons?

April 1, 2000

I think i am on like 5 beers right now. Not quite sure, cause the lights are off and we are watching a movie. Wicked City to be exact. it even the first yet? I think it is still like 10 or something. So I guess I got the date wrong. I don't really care, though. I need to fix some of my links. Not sure I will be able to do that right now. That will take a little extra thinking from me right now. But anyways, it is now the saturday of Spring Fling. The Poster Children will actually be coming to ABQ on May 6, 2000. Hopefully it will be a great show. I can't wait to see them. I know that at least Matt, Jo, and I will be there. Not sure who else will show, though. I can't wait to see that show. I haven't been to a show for anyone in a while now. Weird Al was the last one...and before that it was Phish. That is all from last semester. The pkids concert will be the first concert this semester, though. Right now, Mel, Matt, James, Mike E, Lewis, Jo and myself are in here. Clockwork Orange should be next, and possibly others will be here for that. Think I might invite Terry. Not sure she will come, though. She doesn't hang out much...

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