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August's Happenings

August 28, 2000

Sorry I haven't been posting in a while. I'm back down at school now, and should actually be getting my phone line activated in my house down here today. Or at least that is what they said. I have decided that I am going to be getting rid of my blazer, and getting myself a Jeep Cherokee. An almost totally stripped Cherokee at that. Hmm...that sounded kinda sick...The vehicle Cherokee, just for those of you with sick minds. I gotta remember the type of people that tend to look at my site :) But anyways, the only feature it is going to have is A/C. Well, and 4-wheel drive too, but that was a given with me. I even get to learn how to drive a manual now. Almost killed Steve and myself when I was driving his Jeep yesterday. That was scary indeed. But anyways, classes are getting along, and I am trying to decide if I want to drop a class or not. I kinda want to keep taking all of the ones I am in right now, or at least should be taking them. I don't really like geophysics all that much, but I need electives. I also don't really like Soils, but once again I kinda need the class. Materials may take some of my time away from me, but I don't think it is going to be all that hard really. My only other class to drop is my Historical Fiction class, and I kinda like taking history. Hell, I'm half way to a History minor after this class! ;) So right now I am just killing some time between geophysics and history, and then Steve and I are going up to Belen to work out the best possible deal on a new vehicle for me. We shall see what happens with that, I guess. I wonder if my phone line works yet...nope...hopefully I can get this posted before going to Patty's party tonight at Jo and Mel's. Am I forgetting about anything important in this posting? Probably. But so be it. I'm done with it!

August 7, 2000 16:13

What a great and fullfilling life I lead at home. I've done absolutely nothing worthwhile almost exclusively since I finally got back home. Am I pathetic, or what? Hell, even my games haven't been all that entertaining the last few days. Go figure. Mail is here, so I am not any longer.

August 5, 2000 11:21

Stuff is happening. And I thought I should start my August journal, albeit a bit out of date...Also going to try and use a new format for my dating. I wonder...

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