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December's Happenings
December 25, 2000 - here i sit my buns aflexin, i just gave birth to a little....never mind. if you really can't figure it out, feel free to ask. i just ain't puttin it here on xmas. so here i am sitting in central iowa right now. the place of my birth, and the home of maytag. no connection of course. so today is christmas. that to me just means that it is exactly 2 weeks to my birthday. that really is not what is supposed to mean, but oh well. it also means i am in iowa, and can play my dad in pool. i beat him 5-2 earlier today, although he did just beat me in two games. i am here watching Dave Letterman right now. it's always somewhat amusing. go figure. i think i will probably go to sleep soon. i am just surprised i haven't gotten into a computer debate with my cousin yet. she kinda works for microsoft :) and mme sitting here with my mac powerbook typing up my webpage. i think she went upstairs for now, but i am kinda waiting for her to come back and make a comment. i actually had a funny quote from earlier during dinner, but i really do not remember it. why do i watch dave? it is so stupid sometimes. not even the top 5 was good this time. oops, my cousin is in the shower i think. i should really just go to bed, but i really haven't even talked to her this break. i at least need to get her email addy so i can bug her while she is at work :) it's not like i have all that many things to do during the day. really i don't. well, i guess school kinda gets in the way. so i got some presents today, hung out with family, missed callin Crystal in TN, and stuff like that. where is IRC when you need it. hell, i won't be uploading this til like tommorrow night sometime. i don't even know when we are leaving here tommorrow, but it only took my parents 4.5 hours to get here yesterday. that wasn't all that bad i guess. it usually takes them like more than 5, which is the time it takes sean to get to Ames, Iowa. oops, dave has a guest now. this guy looks really familiar, but i can't place him right now. hmmm....i really know who this guy is. who is it. what movies has he been in. i really can't remember, and it really doesn't matter. this is really starting to look like a rant or something for my ramblings page, so i should probably end it for the night. i have kinda had quite a bit of scotch for the night. so fair well, so long, auf wiedersehen, goodbye! i really need sleep or something. see y'all again tommorrow!!!!!
December 21, 2000 15:50 - i finally went out and did my christmas shopping today. wasn't too bad. well, the parking lot was, cause everyone was headed into best buy. idiots. they really need to change that parking lot, cause it doesn't work at all during a rush season like this :) other than that, not all that much has been happening. it's rather fridged outside, and the wind most definitly doesn't help. that is how i am gonna stop smoking. if i don't quit, my hands freeze off! :) anyways, there isn't much to say right now for a post like this. i think i might go complain on my ramblings or somethin...i haven't done that in a really long time :) it is time to vent
December 19, 2000 - woke up not long ago, and messed up my website for a bit. i guess what i wanted to do wouldn't work ;) i really need to vevamp my site sometime over break, but that will need more time than i have right now. i have a hair cut appointment in like half an hour or somethin. i just wanted to post something, and all that. since there is still snow and all that on the ground, i should get going so i am not late. possibly more tonight, if i have the time and noone is online to talk to :)
December 18, 2000 - just kinda lounged around most of the day i was awake. which wasn't much of it. i slept in til almost three or something like that. went to Sean's to see their new puppy. it is a chocolate lab, and only like 10 wks old or something. came home for a family dinner which i didn't eat. then sean and i headed over to Duke Obreins for a couple of heineken. i actually know one of the bartenders there now. Cory McIntyre or however you spell his name. i graduated with him and stuff. so then i came home and annoyed my peeps on IRC, ICQ and AIM :) went to bed way late again, but oh well...

December 17, 2000 - flew out of abq at like 7 am. with a hangover...don't ever do that. it sucks. got home around noon, and went for lunch at Bakers Square with Lara. we sat around talking for a while, then i came home. parents and brother went to some church function thingy, and i stayed home watching TV and messing around online

December 16, 2000 - opted out of driving up to farmington for my cousins wedding due to alignment problems on my vehicle. went up to mels early and we dropped off matt at the amtrak station. train left on time for him. went to mels house for a bit, and then went to see Dude, Where's My Car? it was a silly movie. we then went to Outback for dinner, then to the Mad Coyote bar for a while waiting for Jo. when Jo finally arrived, we went to the bowling alley, and drank some more while waiting for a lane. my worst game was the one i was the most sober for ;)

December 13, 2000 10:27 - ack. another 9 days have disappeared into the abyss of time. the time since my last post has been puncutated with fluctuating thoughts and emotions, most of which i cannot remember right now. it's just not been a good last week or so. at least it is almost over for the semester. i know i got a good grade in one class, and probably failed one. i will pass materials with a grade for a diploma at least. there is only one class i worry about having to retake. there is nothing i can do about that class anymore, though. if i really wanted to, i could probably go pick up my final and grade for that class, but i don't particularilly wish to see it right now. i know it is bad, and i don't want to think about that class again for a long time...

December 4, 2000 15:28 - wow, i got way behind on those, didn't i? oops. not much has been going on. i've been on IRC quite a bit, and have been talking to someone in TN quite a bit. i also had a piece of historical fiction due last week that i spent a LOT of time working on and still wasn't happy with when i had to hand it it. it was over Kent State around May 4, 1970. what an interesting period in american history. so now i am just trying to relax a bit before finals. i still have a couple of labs to finish up for my metamorphic lab. hopefully that will be done on wednesday. i have to stay out of the house like all day cause steve is gonna bug bomb under the trailer. spike is also getting sliced and diced that day. i just have to try and come up with something to do that whole day. at least i can spend up to 4 hours of it in the metamorph. lab finishing those up. i just want to be out of here. this is like hell incarnate. i can't wait til next semester and the summer. well, that is about it for the last few weeks. blech....shit....i think i just saved over last month!!! we shall see in just a sec, though....good, i still hadn't changed its name...i'm safe :)

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