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February's Happenings

February 29, 2000

Sorry I haven't really been keeping up on this. Dad came down on Saturday, so I didn't have much time. Yesterday I just kinda spaced out. Oh well. At least I know that someone reads this. Hi Nick! Nick is a freind of Matt's from back in NY. The Big Orange Crayon on my links list is Nick's page. He and Mel are going to Boston over Spring Break. Can't wait to hear about that trip ;-) Well, it is now confirmed. I will be placing an order for a PowerBook later this afternoon. I can't wait til that gets here. It will give me something to do if my friend Sean doesn't end up getting down here. We shall see what happens.

February 25, 2000

Why did I wake up for class this morning? I could have slept in. All we did was watch a movie about World War I. I guess it could have been worse. We could still be covering reconstruction. Then I had to rush through a geo lab that I'm really not sure I completely understood. I just kinda did it, and Carolyn was helping me through it. It's amazing what you can forget in a week or so of not going to classes. Matt just sent me a link for a free forums page. I think I will check it out. If it looks cool, I might set up an account so that all of my friends can talk and all that. Might be kinda interesting. Who knows.

Feburary 24. 2000

Well, it isnt' really the 24th anymore. It is about 1:30 om tjhe morning. But I am talking to a couple people online, and realized I hadn't put anything up yet. I was just told that I shouldn't keep a journal, cause if I don't do it, I will feel bad. Like it is an obligation or something. I just do this cause I am bored. Gives me something to do while I am healing. I don't konw. It isn't like anyone reads this daily anyways. I doubt anyone looks at it unless I tell them too. It's all good, though. I put this up for my own personal enjoyment anyways. I mean, if they did I would get more email. I think maybe 3 people have given me feedback. Go figure. So if y'all are looking at my page, I would really like some feedback. There are mailto links all over. I will get it. Thank you for your consideration.

February 23, 2000

It's about time for me to get something up for the day. I hadn't posted yet, cause nothing has really happened yet. Went and saw my councellor this morning, and had a good talk. I think I got some more stuff worked out in my life. Or at least more things to think about. Most of the day I have just been sitting right here, talking to people online. Right now, I am talking to Christy, Steve, Mystel, John, and Keagan. Still kinda bored, cause they aren't replying all that quickly right now. So I thought I would take some time to get this up. I'm thinking of getting rid of the rambling page, or kinda hiding it somewhere. Make it a little more personal. Who knows.

I'm still not getting too many ideas on what to do to improve my page. Y'all are the ones that read this, so let me know what you think. I like getting email. Gives me something to do while I am just sitting here. It's not like I have anything else to do these days :)

I can't wait til Spring Break. It should be a lot of fun. I am trying to get one of my friends to get down here, but he probably hasn't even looked for his ticket yet. But at least I will get to see Christy, one of my long lost buds from the early years here at Tech. So if Sean can't get down here, it won't be a total waste of a break...

February 22, 2000

I have now changed some stuff around, so this isn't the homepage anymore. Now I just have to come up with the stuff to make my hompage look good. It is rather boring right now. Hopefully I won't fill up my quota on the Tech servers too quickly. I am starting to enjoy doing this. If it wasn't for school, I wouldn't mind sitting here all day trying to change stuff on my page to get it to look better. Don't forget, if you find something fishy about my page, let me know!

Well, I actually went to my classes today. What in the world possesd me to try that? My arms are in so much pain right now, and my medication wore off in the middle of Tech. Writing. At least we are just playing with generic legos in class right now, and I think I only have to show up every other class or something. That will help. I'm going to make Mel drive me to fluids for the next couple of weeks now. At least until I get the wires out of my foot. When I get the scanner hooked back up to my computer, I will try and scan in my x-rays. Hopefully those will turn out, cause they look pretty cool. Now I am just sitting around waiting til my mom comes to get me lunch. I think I will make her go get me something again, cause I just feel like laying down for a few hours or the rest of the day. I can't wait til I can walk again. I should probably move all of this off of the homepage, and put it on a new page. Maybe I will do that later today, if I can find enough stuff to put on the front page. I also need to work on getting more links up to navigate my page...

February 21, 2000

Alright, since I needed to change one of the web adresses anyways, I guess I should probably add some of my own stuff to the page. i just got back from the doctors office. They took off all of my bandages, and my foot looks really nasty. i got the copies of my x-rays today, so I will try and scan them in some time. I don't know if they will work, but it would be pretty cool if it did. So far I've only had two people give any suggestions on what to add to my page. Mystel told me a few things I was planning on anyways, and Lewis told me that the link to Rob's page was wrong. I had already noticed that, but it got me to fix it now. Hopefully it will work now. We shall see. I guess this is the start of an online journal, but things will probably change a lot over the next few days. Keep giving me ideas on what to change and all that. There are still some things i need to work on figureing out. And don't mind my spelling and grammer right now, cause I am still dopped up and can't really see my monitor all that well anyways.

February 20, 2000

This is the beginning of a whole new thing. Steve sucks, eh? Yeah...

I really have no idea what Bill wants on this but now he can do it himself so I don't look at foolish as Steve.

Bill's foot is broke. Send him pity, and lots of it!

-Composed by Matt

This page was last updated:January 30, 2001 18:14

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