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This is the hamster during a snow storm. I think he looks kinda disgruntled

This is Halloween 1999. From left to right is Mike Carpenter, Lewis Gillard, and myself. Holding a Heineken...wait, i was underage. It was a...umm...some other kinda bottle! Yeah, that's it!

This is Heather Burleson. She left NMT and went to GIA (Gemilogical Institute of America) or something like that. This was taken over the summer of 2000 while I was in California

Michael Eydenburg next to my Jeep after we had finally gotten pulled out of the mud. That was a fun afternoon :)


This is Crystal, my ex-fiancee. We still hang out on occassion, but her new fiancee threatend me with sexual harrassment for some reason...

This page was last updated: April 22, 2003

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