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This page is dedicated to my friends. From here I will talk about those people I consider to be friends. I will get little thumbnail like pics of them all up soon I hope.

Steven L. Ball-First person I moved off campus with. He's now living in Los Alamos, and I blame him personally for my addiction to IRC.

Katy Barry-KT is one of my friends from back home. We used to have our horses at the same barn. But then, I think I am the only one that hasn't changed barns. I don't talk to KT very much anymore. This is mostly because she doesn't have an email address or anything.

Matt Bradley-Matt is the one that I went to MacWorld Expo with in NYC with. We had a lot of fun there, and he knows a lot more about computers than I do. Matt is the person I go to when I can't figure something out with my Mac, or need help getting something to work. He has now in D.C. protesting and volunteering for the Independent Media Center. I may not agree with everything that comes out of his mouth, but at least it is a different perspective from main stream media.

Sean Cunningham-Sean has been my best friend since sometime around kindergarten. There have been times when we don't talk to each other very often, but he is always there for me when I need him. He represents to me what a true friend is. We have been through a lot together. Not all of this has been good. I've done things to him in the past, such as the infamous car incident, that I truely regret. Even after things like that, he has still been there for me. He is now working at a barn near NYC, and living in close to there.

Mike de la Rosa-Mike D. He is from San Antonio, TX. He left us last year and went back home to Texas. He is now in the Army, stationed out of Fort Hood, TX. He drives an Abrahms, and I believe he is attached to the 4th ID.

Rob Erbes-Rob was once roommates with Mike E, Mike D, and Matt. I pity the guy sometimes. Over the summer while reading his website, I came to realize that we actually have quite a bit in common. A lot of our views on life, music, and society are similar. I kinda wish I knew Rob a little bit better.

Andrea Eubanks-Andrea is one of Christy's friends way over in Oklahoma. I met her this summer, and found her to be really interesting and fun to be around. It was really easy for me to talk to her about anything and everything. We spent one night while I was there sitting at her old school looking at the stars. Perhaps some day I will see her again, even though I got a little upset last time I went through there and was with her and Christy.

Mike Eydenberg-Mikey is from Alamagordo, among other places. His parents are airforce, so he has moved around a bit. He is big into video games. Not a drinker, but always fun to be around. We tend to get pretty good quotes off of him. Or at least Matt does. I guess I'm just never around at the good times, or I don't happen to pay attention when he is saying something really interesting. He is now working on his masters at NMT, with his work being done at the National Solar Observatory (whether he likes it or not!)

Lewis Gilliard-Lewis was my roommate for two years. We didn't talk all that much, but I still consider him a good friend. He is one of those people that will make time to talk with you about your problems if he can possibly do so. He may be a little off the wall at times, but I still trust him for some reason

Kelly Hurley-Kelly is another of my friends from back in Illinois. I went to my senior prom with her. Her senior year she moved with her family to Singapore. Now she is back in the states, and going to school in Missouri. I had a lot of fun times back in the day with her. I'm not sure why some of the memories have been so fond involving her. Perhaps it is because she is one of those people that has gone past the general beliefs of who I am and has seen me for who I truely am.

Caitlin Leo-Alas, yet another person from my barn back home. When I find out what her email address is I will be in contact with her again. Cait, Sean, KT and I have hung out a lot in the past. We try to all get together over breaks from school and reminice (sp) about our pasts. I'm still amazed at times that Caitlin even acknowledges my presence, but I have some good memories of hanging out at her house. And I still am amused when I think of KT telling her thoughts from the floor about one of Cait's dresses on a drunken day away from the barn.

Danielle Medhurst-I've never actually met Elle. She is a friend from online. She is from Minnesota, but got married and now lives in England. Only about half an hour from Stonehenge, too. I'm going to have to go and visit her over there sometime so I can go back to Stonehenge. And she actually has been trying to get people to visit my website. I just love the force she used to do so on her site. It's amusing.

Carolyn Munk -Carolyn is from the 'burbs of Cleveland, Ohio. I visited her on my way through there this summer. I also drove her back down here to Tech after an incident she had on the way to my house. While in Iowa, she tried forcing me to eat animal crackers. Carolyn was one of my most trusted friends down here. She has listened to me complain about stuff a lot. She was also a fellow geology major, so I was in a lot of classes with her. She helped me make sure I passed those classes, and maked me study for the tests. She is now in grad school in Indiana for education.

Danny Quist-I don't see Danny much anymore, but he helped me with one of the toughest decisions of my life. And aside from popular belief, he did not get me to do it. He just helped me sift through all the thoughts in my head. Wish he would hang out with all of us a little more often. I don't totally blame him, though.

Melody Rattanapote-Melody (I am only calling her that because she much prefers just being called Mel) was another of my friends down here at Tech. She is a ChemE graduate, and really smart. She is also a little more Liberal Arts than most people at this school. So I used to let her edit my papers for me. We have been through a lot together during the two years she has been here, and I haven't even known her for all of that time. She is now working in California, somewhat for the Navy I believe.

Keagan Rowley -Keagan is from Albuquerque. Or Grants. He went to the same high school that my mother went to way back when. He is a pretty quiet guy. Keagan is also another of the Mac users. We are a small group so we have to stick together, you know? He rides his bikes a lot, and used to run as well. He is now in grad school at Colorado State in Fort Collins, CO.

Lara Soebbing-I met Lara the summer after I started going to Tech. She now lives up in Illinois. My trainers husband was going to try and hook us up until I reminded him that I was already going out with someone. We have been good friends for a while now, and she is my drinking buddy when I am back home these days. Although I haven't known her for very long, we have still had a lot of good times together. She got married last summer (2002). I missed the wedding to watch some of my friends graduate. I miss talking to her, now that she's moved away from my home town.

Christy Walker-Christy used to go here to Tech. She is now in the Navy, stationed on a Carrier somewhere out of the East Coast of the States. I haven't had a chance to talk to her in a long time, but last I heard she got married. I really wish that I knew what carrier she was stationed on.

This page was last updated: September 17, 2020 2:18

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