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Bill's Geology Shop


The joint in Socorro. Beatle didn't work, my old Blazer, and Steve's Wagoneer

My work area, a bit cluttered

Different angle. Two of those computers are mine. Can you tell which? (server is on top shelf in the corner. Not mine)

This was the floor at one point behind my seat at the computer. That monitor isn't mine

I forgot to edit this picture and turn it. So tilt head to left. This is my room, aka "the closet."

The only surface in that room. I swear I am a neat freak!

My house in Illinois, Christmas of 2000

There was about 2.5 foot of snow on the ground

Front door, taken from the driveway

Our birdfeeder, for a bit of snow depth reference. It had been cleared to put in more birdseed during the storms

I wish my dad hadn't broken off the icicles from the day before :) These were still pretty good, though. Some had been close to the ground

My brothers joint when he was in Florida. This is about half his living room space :)

This page was last updated: January 27, 2002

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