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Bill's Geology Shop

Discotheque of Death

while the quest continues, i am slowly going to try and get myself to actually update some of the stuff on my site. this will probably move rather slowly, so there won't be much new here to offer very often. hell, nobody probably looks at my site anymore anyways! but who cares, this is for my own amusement and entertainment anyways, right?


ok, now has a mission and purpose for being. yes, you heard me right, a purpose! i have undertaken a quest of epic proportion! i have decided that since next year i will have a single, i need to find a unique way to decorate it. for this i need some help from the ladies! i want to cover the ceiling with signed bras from all over world, and string those little white christmas lights through them. i think this would make for the most unique dorm room decoration anyone has ever seen. but to accomplish this amazing feat, i need some help! so if you are female and can send me a bra of your own, please let me know. if you are male, it would be helpful to me if you could ask around to all your female friends to aid me in this epic quest! if you are wanting to send a thong, you can do so if a matching bra is with it :) you can email me with questions at, ICQ me at 7226155, or contact me on AIM at wpk420. i think those are the only services i have right now, but if i think of another i will let you know. thank you all for your help in this endeavor. it is/will be much appreciated. as this takes shape, i will start updating with pictures as my quest comes to fruitation.

This page was last updated: September 17, 2020 2:38

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