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January's Happenings
January 30, 2001 17:41 - I got bored. so sue me!
January 25, 2001 19:35 - car is here, my money for it is not. needless to say, today has gotten rather hectic. so i am going to go pick up my car on saturday, and hopefully the money situation evens its self out quickly. other than that, not too much is going on today, or in the last few days.
January 20, 2001 12:59 - first weekend after classes started. i just woke up. i feel like crap. my thermarest keeps deflating on me. i must be undoing the valve while i am asleep or somethin. my back is now twisted up a bit. we are all going bowling tonight, and i need to find a ride up there. that is the difficult part. "but bill, you have your own car!" no shit, but i don't know my way around abq! neither does mikey, who i would probably get a ride with anyways. so i need to try and get ahold of those that are goin up there. everyone i talked to already has plans with other people before we are meeting up there. carolyn is one of my last chances, and she can't check her email at home, so it can be a pain to get ahold of her most of the time. mel and jo both have plans already. i dun know who all else is goin that knows abq at all. this sucks. i'll have to ask keagan as well. i think he is online, so i will do that now. of course, he went onto away while i was writing all of this. i'm gettin annoyed. this just plain sucks. anyways, i have been bored all week, and not much has been going on.
January 13, 2001 20:35 - once again i am working on my site at more than 30,000 ft. it's almost becoming a bit habitual, y'know? so i am sitting here in a virtual darkness of a dim cabin, and listing to my mp3's. to be exact, the Violent Femmes. i am also nursing my second heineken. too bad i only got on the hour and a half ago? is that right? what timezone is my clock in now? i thought for sure i changed the time before i put it in, but i think my post time is in central time zone. which, technically, i am still flying over i believe. there are a lot of people around me sleeping the flight away. it is still way too early to be sleeping! i just need to remember to call my parents when i get off the plane, as that will be around 10pm in chicago, and they will be wanting to go to bed. that, and i plan on hitting the Mad Coyote tonight in Rio Rancho with mel. assuming she still wants to go, and isn't in the mood to kick my ass....she really needs to put the randomness post back on her site. i didn't mean to piss her off that much, i was just sick of noone posting to my forum and wanted to start a lil debate type thing. worked a lil too well i guess ;) i'm sorry mel!!!! dun be angry!! well, my day has been rather lax, and i was pissed off when i had to head to the airport cause there was a Freaks and Geeks marathon on Fox Family this afternoon. i love that show. it is one of the two best shows on the air right now. or at least in my opinion. it is up there with Dark Angel. the x-files is in a close third, of course...but i now know what time and channel to look for freaks and geeks on tuesdays. i think. depends on how they work the time zones. but it is either at 6 or 9 pm. so hopefully i will start watching it on a regular basis again. i lost track of the show during the elections, cause they kept cancelling/moving it due to all that extensive election coverage. those commie bastards. who cares about an election that just keeps going when it should have been decided that night. it pisses me off. but that is for another time and place. signing off at 31,000 ft, this is me ;) groogle, over and out!
January 11, 2001 1:43 - it's that time again. early in the morning, so i am posting about yesterday and stuffs. i went to the mall and returned something i recieved from Gap. talk about frickin ugly. for some reason i thought it was a black turtleneck. but it was actually this piss yellow type of colour. it was totally nasty. but it is no longer in my posetion. i hate that store. i can't breathe in it. too fuckin trendy, y'know? i went up there with bry and sasha. we got back, and watched This Is Spinal Tap on DVD. bry's g/f kelly called just before it ended, and we went to visit her in something i don't feel at liberty discuss...bad mojo and all that...we came back to CL, grabbed a bite to eat, went to sasha's house to get some movies, and came back to my house. we watched American Beauty and The Blues Brothers. bry and sasha left about 15 minutes ago or somethin. twas an interesting day i guess. or something. i was just surprised it was sasha's first time in a gap! she was the most "trendy" person in our group when we were there :) hell, bry makes me look trendy!
January 8, 2001 22:33 - well, i guess since it is my birthday and all, i should really update my page this year already :) sorry it has been so long. i've just been really lazy. i need to get back to school where i will update my site as an excuse to not do stuff i should be doing! that, and mel is sitting online begging me to update right now :) too bad i was already working on it, missy! i really haven't done anything today. just mostly sat around either online or playing diablo II. had tacos and sopapillas for dinner. opened presents. got a tshirt, a notice that my brothers fiancee is getting me coyote ugly when it comes out on the 16th, what is out of the camulod series by jack whyte, roses are red by james paterson, and a couple of books by jack kerouac. so i have some reading to do now :) too bad i am headed back to the place where the only reading i will get done is the stuff for classes. or at least that is all i SHOULD be new years is being discussed on my forum (kinda), and not much has really happened since then. have been to Duke Obreins a couple times, but that is about it i think. rather boring last couple of weeks...mike d is now in the army i think, and christy is at great lakes doing her training for the navy. my brother is getting married on sept 15th this year, and i am in his wedding party so i will have to wear a tux...most of my ellipses are when mel messages me and i go to respond, so blame her for the annoyance it causes! i think that is about all that is new right now. so laters!
This page was last updated:January 30, 2001 22:38

HTML and stuff copywritten by groogle