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July's Happenings

July 30, 2000

Oops. That is a slight break in there. My bad, and I sincerely apologize for it. I really need to figure out how to have it automatically put in when I updated the page last. I keep forgetting to change it. I am happy as a...well...I can't think of any good analogies right be home again. The time untill Carolyn comes through and we head back down to hell will be a very quick couple of weeks. I've still gotta try and figure out how to get some of my friends from here at home to come down and visit me at school. Of course, they are all working or in school themselves...I probably have the best chance of getting Lara to come down to Socorro, but that would involve her being able to get some time off from work. Maybe I shall have to try and help her talk Juergen into letting her have some time off in October, and get her to come down for 49ers. That would be a lot of fun, as anyone who has been at Tech for that event can pretty much tell ya. Or at least the people who will have fun no matter what the school tries to make of the weekend...and seeing as Steve and I will be off campus, Tech can go do something....

July 11, 2000

Wow. I am actually getting some feedback on my site changes. Or at least to putting in actual dates on my travel site. I am kinda impressed really. I even got some reply's from people I didn't tell to look at it and let me know their thoughts on it! That means that people read my site without my prompting them to do so. I have also figured out that some relatives besides my parents read this page. Or at least they will read more of it when they get the time. Hello Donna! So, with a kitten at my feet and pillows under my head, I bid thee all goodnight. Of course, I won't be posting this until after that changes, but who really cares. Not like I ever post in realtime, or that anyone would be reading it in realtime if I could/did. So anyways, goodnight.

July 6, 2000

Updating site, and making it look better (at least that is the plan). Y'all will have to let me know what you think of the changes, aight? Well, I guess it is time to move on now. I have to finish changing links and stuff so that this entry will actually show up somewhere...

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