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March's Happenings

March 31, 2000

Well, I took my laptop to class three days this week. I had a History test this morning. I am feeling pretty good about it. Hopefully that will drag my grade back up to a B in there. I still have to actually drop my Fluids class, too. I have the signatures, just haven't gone to the registrars to do it. I don't have to drop tennis, though. I went and talked to my teacher yesterday and she said she was going to pass me. I was also told yesterday that I might have this blasted cast off in two weeks. Steve will be here later tonight, then he, Mel and I are going to the Socorro Brewing Company for dinner. After that it will be all drinking, movies, and music. Got my playlist up and running right now to make sure it will work for drinking and all that. I got the movie pi in on DVD today, so that is a definite must see for the night.

March 29, 2000

A new low has been reached. I am sitting in the writing center between classes, listening to mp3's and updating my page on my laptop. Is it just me or is that rather pathetic? I mean, I didn't used to need to bring a computer with me when I knew I wasn't going to be doing anything...who knows. I had to sit through a review session for my history test this morning, and I have now realized that I have no idea what half the stuff is that the test is going to be over. I will really have to study on thursday night. Knowing me I will just talk to people online, though. I feel sorry for those that I talk to tommorrow night, cause they are going to get to hear about the stuff I will be studying. Right now is my only break until about 5 pm this evening, so I gotta get all I can out of it. Maybe I will pull this thing out for my lab and listen to music there too. That way I won't get quite as bored in there. My Geomorphology lab is so boring. I can't decide which of my geology labs is worse, though. They both really suck. Off to listen to music now. I wonder when I will actually get this posted. I am so tired today that I might forget to post it when I get back to my room this evening. Maybe I should skip Structural, but I really shouldn't. I've missed too often already.

March 27, 2000

I am starting to get caught back up in my labs. Still have a little ways to go, though. Hopefully by next week I will have it all done. I have stuff to finish for tech writing, and then some other things to work on for my structural lab. This will be a very long week. And it probably won't even end all that well. Christy and Andrea aren't going to make it down for Spring Fling. At least Hamster will be here...that is at least a start. Of course, now I have to really go stock up on Heineken again. I am kinda tired after being out of my room for close to nine straight hours today, so I think I will just cut this entry a bit short...

March 26, 2000

I've decided that I am way to inconsistant writing this. Possibly it is because I don't get much feedback, and I have no life. All I seem to do half the time is sit here and talk to people online. Not too many on to talk to right now, though. I need to start setting aside a few minutes every day to add to this. And I really need to do something with my page. It is really boring. I'm just not sure what to do with it. I am not much of an artistic type person. I do have some artistic stuff I might put up on my page, though. Depends on when I decide to go to bed tonight. I have been talking to Christy's friend Andrea a lot online lately, and she has done some really cool things on her mac's at school. I might put some of that up on here if I get her permission to do so. I think they are really good drawings. It is amazing what can be done freehand with a mouse. I know I wouldn't be able to do it. I can't even draw with a pen...

March 20, 2000

Last night was a whole lot of fun. Went up to Water Canyon with Christy, Mel, Jo, Mike D, and Jess. We had a bonfire, and I sacrificed a bottle of Harps at midnight. Was hard, but hopefully it will pay off in the long run. Druids used to sacrifice grain on Beltaine to get a good growing season and bountiful harvest. Maybe I will get something for sacrificing the beer. Only time will tell. If I remember by then, I will let y'all know what happens at Samhain. I wonder if I will be lucky enough to have a full moon then, as well. WC was really beautiful last night with the full moon. Pretty much a perfect night to be partying naked in the woods with animals. I plan on getting a description of some of the goings on up on my forum, but nobody seemed to want to add to the thread about Danny's party. We shall see how bored I get in the next few days. I get to have my pins pulled for sure on Thursday. He tried today, but they didnt' want to come out. It will suck not having Christy there to hold my hand for it, though...

March 19, 2000

Either I am stupid, or the world is playing tricks on me. My forum wasn't working for me, but it does now...go figure. That is technology for you. Not too much is going on. Christy is back from Mexico, and we all got really drunk last night. I think only two people that are not here have ever seen me that drunk. Aren't Stacey and KT lucky? If any of y'all that were down here have anything that I should know about that I did last night, please feel free to post it on the forum. The more embarrasing the better. Tonight is the Beltaine celebration. I doubt I will get as drunk tonight, but it is one of my favourite holidays. I'll just have to deal with classes tommorrow. That will probably limit when we come back tonight, though. It shall be a fond farewell to Christy. Maybe she will come back for Spring Fling with Andrea? ;) Depending on how tired I am when I return tonight, I might even through up a drunken rambling. I should have last night. First time I haven't been able to type correctly. Oops. Just what was in that orgasm?

March 14, 2000

My computer is now somewhere outside of Memphis. If i did the time changes right in my head, which I probably did not, it is about 4 hours outsid of Memphis right now. The way I see it, I may have it by tommorrow...I can't wait. For those of you that don't go here, and those that do, you might find this interesting. They for some reason want to change the name of Tech to a lie...this is some of the e-mail debate over it between the people I know. Other than that, not much is going on...

March 12, 2000

Well, I guess I have been a slacker the last few days. Oops. It is now Spring Break, and I am basically bored out of my mind. Sean isn't making it down here, which really sucks. At least I can still talk to people online. I've been introduced to a really cool person from the Tulsa area. Been talking to her about music the last few nights. She introduced me to Aphex Twin. Pretty good, but kinda psychotic at the same time. I was listening to a few downloads over and over last night. Oh yeah. Christy is the one that introduced us, and her name is Andrea. I got to see pictures of her while Christy was here Thursday and Friday. But that is an entry in itself? Nah, not really. Christy wouldn't let me look at a couple of the pictures. Oh well. I wonder why not? Right now I am waiting for Mel to get down here and to go and get me food. I'm starving here. Like I need to eat, though. I mean, I should probably go on a diet anyways...

March 8, 2000

I am actually passing my Structural Geology class! I got a C+ on the test. Not a great score, but I am not failing at this point, and if the final has a higher grade than what the semester grades average to, the final is my grade. So I am not worried. Acceptable start after last sememster, and it averages my C- in American History out to a flat C ;) My history grade should be more than that, but a C- is what I got on my test in there. I just realized that this is the third day in a row that I actually put up a journal entry. that is a good sign ;) Now if only more people would respond in the forums. I'm getting some interesting discussions with a few of you, but not many. Go Mobsters! Oh, and my soccer team finally won a game this season. We were playing the other team that hadn't won yet ;) It was a pretty good game, though. We only got one shot to go in, but we put a lot more than we usually do up. I still wish I could be playing...

March 7, 2000

I am really getting into indy rock. The Dead Kennedys just kick some ass. Long live napster and it's mac equivelents. This morning was kinda funky. I'm not sure why, but I had an equilibrium problem this morning. It might have had something to do with the static charge I could feel building up in my toes. I really gotta get these pins out of my foot. Stupid lightning. I didn't go to class this morning, cause I didn't feel like slipping and breaking something else. I think it is supposed to snow today or something. There were supposedly some flurries earlier, and I am pretty sure it was raining. never saw it for myself, though. I am really loving Alpha Centauri. Much like Civilizations II, but much more interesting. Been trying a couple of the different factions, and have surpassed all other factions in both tries I have done. Will definitly be putting it on my PowerBook when I get that in.

March 6, 2000

I should really update this more often. But there isn't all that much new that goes on daily in my life. My days are just really mundane and repetetive.There are a couple of good things that happened today, though. First of all, I finally got my game from Amazon. Only 33 days after it was released. So I am probably going to install Sid Meirs Alpha Centauri in a little bit, stick on the patch I got for it last week, and mess around with it for a little bit. The other big thing that happened is I finally know when I will get my pins and stitches out for sure. I almost got some of the stitches out today, but my doctor decided to just pull everything at once. Next Monday. The Monday of Spring Break. Luckily, I won't have to spend the night in the hospital or anything. I will have to pick up x-rays, or get new ones or something. Who knows. At least I will be able to get off of these infernal crutches in a week. I can't wait. Of course, I am just getting used to them. Guess that is normal. You get used to crutches just when you get rid of them again. Hopefully I will never have to use crutches again.

March 2, 2000

Cool. I am actually getting people to look at my page. Now if only everyone would sign my guestbook, and contribute to the forum. Start conversations. If you post it, they will respond. Or something... Anyways, I am finally caught back up from the week I missed because of my foot. I didn't really think the test was all that hard, but I probably messed it up. I guess I will find out when I get it back. I just hope she goes easy on me. Maybe I should go for the drug induced studying ploy? Maybe I can start a thread over how to deal with my life in my forum ;) Does anyone else get into really strange conversations with people on ICQ for reasons that are not remembered half way through it? I seem to do this a lot. Maybe my painkillers and prozac aren't really stayng away from each that is a scary thought.

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