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November's Happenings

November 26, 2000 10:16 - Oops. Another week has passed, included with was Thanksgiving. I'm kinda working on my paper for History, but I haven't found an angle I really like yet. Since I now only have a few days to get it done, I kinda need to get something set on it. I guess that is my quest for the day. I kinda need to finish up some research, too. And find the Kent State timeline on the net again. I should be able to pick that up fairly easily. We shall see, though. So, I just kinda sat around online and watching movies and stuff all weekend by myself. What a joy. For thanksgiving I had Alfredo Twists MacnCheese. What joy...So, I am kinda tired and have work to do. It's definitly been a long weekend this time.

November 19, 2000 21:15 - It's been another couple of days. Oops. Not too much has been going on. I've just been hanging out on IRC and ICQ as much as possible. And AIM too, for that matter. I've been bored out of my mind. Noone talks to me any more :) Other than the occasional desire to kill off my housemate, the past few days have been rather boring. I really cannot wait to get home for christmas and hang out with all my peoples up there. This whole Socorro thing is getting old. I would rather be just about anywhere else. Maybe I should transfer up to somewhere in Iowa, so I can visit Sean or something...

November 16, 2000 10:30 - What a bright lil boy I turned out to be. So right now I am sitting in the TCC updating my site. Why didn't I think of this before? Such is life I guess. My mom and my grandparents were here yesterday. They weren't around for very long, but it was fun seeing them. I was also informed yesterday that my cousin Jason is getting married on December 16!!!!! that was a trip. I guess his bride to be has 2 kids already, so my Uncle John will be a grandfather 3 times in 4 months. Yesterday was also Mel's birthday. We went up to Datil for steak and alcohol. Unfortunantly, they were running low on their liqour supplies, so we couldn't get Mel anything all that complicated. Once again, such is life. So today I am just kinda sitting around, and wishing that the semester was over already. I have a paper for my historical fiction class that I really need to get working on, but I just haven't really felt like it. I think it is due on the 29th, so that is less than 2 weeks. I must find myself a temporary copy of Microsoft word that I can use at home, so I don't have to be in the TCC to work on my paper over Thanksgiving weekend. It's really good that I will be alone for the weekend, cause I need to do well on this story thing. It is a short historical fiction piece over the Kent State incident back in 1970. Now I just need to find the books that are mentioned online so that I may be able to get a better view of it to write my work of fiction. This afternoon I will probably spend some time in the petrology lab to work on catching up in my labs for metamorphic. I really dont' feel like it, but I have been way too much of a slacker the past couple of weeks. So I brought my wireless headphones so that at least I will have music to listen to while I am in there. Now if only I could find the adapter for my discman. I think my batteries are about to die. That sucks, but oh well. I'll live probably. I just realized I haven't put any new pictures up for a while. I'll work on that. I think Steve has some newer pictures of me up on his site somewhere. I will check on that this afternoon. And I really need to remember to call about stuff involving my new Jeep I will be getting eventually. Must get it ordered...

November 14, 2000 21:09 - Wow...where has the time gone. I guess I won't say much, as todays entry is on my forum. I finally got my FTP working from home again. It was something weird in our secondary server. Go figure. So, like I am back and stuff...but who really cares, since the hits to my site have drastically decreased over the last few days ;) Laters!

November 11, 2000 1:26 - It's been a few days since the last post. Who cares. Like this will be posted anytime soon anyways. Steve has messed up our connection to the point where I can't connect to the net on my computer. He is sitting over in his corner typing away on the computer, and I can't get online. Could it have anything to do with me bitching him out tonight? I am sick of him. He is closer to serious injury than he has ever been in his life. I am pissed off about his arogant attitude towards me. The power is about to get cut on his sorry ass. He forgets that I have the breakers in my room. It will get cut on him. Accidents happen. I am about to break his fucking neck, so I will cut the power off instead. I don't give a damn what it does to the computers in the house. He is using my account to log on to the internet, yet I can't even fucking get online myself. Fuck him. He hasn't given me root on my own computer, he gave Matt an account today, and I am sick of it. I have let too many things slide. This is the closest I have yet come to actually killing someone. It seems so easy, but for some reason I can not bring myself to cross that line. I guess even the insane have a conscience...

November 7, 2000 20:33 - me needs to stop updating while drunk. steve almost died tongith, and it was snowing this morning. nuff said.

November 6, 2000 21:40 - well, i am a little drunk right now, so forgive any typos that may occur. yeah. so i am sitting on irc, and pissing off friends on icq. that is my life. who cares. it isn't like anyone reads this anyways. /me wonders what is up with the world. yeah. or something. it's been a long day. i am pissed off at a lot of my "friends" right about now. even crystal blew me off today. who nows. i need to call lara or something. i don't know sean's phone number. stupid world. can't find the umbers of the peopls you desier to talk to. i cantually flee the need to talk t o a lot of poepl forme home. larea just happens to be there person whose phone mnber i have. and usa, i know thaer iare a loto fo ypeos. i just don't care right now. i corrects ome, leave others. like that one there. ydah....

November 3, 2000 14:46 - It has been a little while since last I posted. Sorry about that. I just haven't really felt the need to put anything up on here. Life is boring, and I think I might be slipping into another slight depression. I skipped half my classes this week. Luckily, half of those I skipped ended up being cancelled anyways. Go figure. So tonight I think I am going up to see Charlie's Angels with Mikey and Matt. Should be cool. It's got Drew Barrymore in it. Did you know that she has an interview in Playboy this month? Or at least that is what I hear. Who says people don't read the articles? I personally think that the articles are the best part about Playboy. But maybe that is just me. Who knows. Who cares? I doubt 99.9% of the people that look at my site wouldn't even have a clue what I am talking about right now. Well, looks like I now have a new post for my journal. Fix a couple more things, and we are ready to go. So long, I have a movie to attend, and a cat to get elected president. Don't ask. I'll link it or something eventually. It is hamster's doing.

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