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October's Happenings

October 22, 2000 23:59

Today nothing was accomplished. I got home from a totally sober night at the dance at around 2:30-3, and went to sleep. I got up at around 15:30 when someone called. I don't know why I slept so long, I just kinda felt like it. I then watched some tv, ordered a pizza, and have been talking online to people. Hi atmo! At least you better be looking at my site tonight! And hello to all the other ircaddicts that show up here! I'm going to bed soon, so so long everyone!

October 21, 2000

17:51 - We stopped at the McDonalds in Roswell for dinner, and it started pouring down rain right before we left. (this McDonalds is cool because it has a lot of the old happy meal toys on display) Upon leaving Roswell, we noticed a lot of hail on the road. Spiffy! It was almost snow! So close but oh so far. Josh has taken over driving now so Carolyn and I have moved back a row. That buts me closer to the three idiots. Joy. this part of the drive will get _really_ annoying since it is the last real stretch of the journey. Mel is once again saying that camping should be done at a Holiday Inn. Fuck that shit. I need to go home, get trashed, and harass people at the dance or something. Too bad Matt can't drive...I'm not real sure why I wan to go to the dance anyways. Maybe I should just stay sober this weekend? But then that would be no fun. It is 49ers after all. I'll probably go somewhere and check my email, go to the store for beer, then hang in someones dorm room and get drunk. Who knows what I will do after that. Probably depends on who I am with and what they want to do. Not even sure who I feel like drinking with tonight. Don't mind Jo, but she brings Mel. Mel is bad karma.

Sitting Bull Falls - Mel and Matt are now going at it. Thank you Matt for voicing the opinion of the group ;) I understand that Mel doesn't camp, but my gods! She doesn't even try to hurry. If she does not have a specific deadline everyone else just sits around forever. It gets real old real quick. I might go to the Cap so I can be asured that I will not have to deal with her tonight. Its also raining again, and we had some hominy earlier. It was basically a cloudburst. I can't wait to get out of this infernal van. My life will be no better from this trip, and possibly worse. Hell, I pissed off Mel way back in White Sands! I still hold that she got what she deserved for the most part. I feel that a failed attempt to attack someone you know you cannot beat from behind not necessarily deserves sand kicked in their face, but at least some form of a deterrent. I didn't really mean to hit her in the face, that is just how the situation unravelled as I got up and counter attacked with the weapon of sand. So be it. I apologize for nothing. addmendum: FUCK!!! My Back In Black CD is broken!

Carlsbad Caverns - We got to the caverns pretty much on time, and found two people to take out extra tickets. Lisa stayed above ground, but the rest of us had some fun in the somewhat deep depths of the Earth (about 750 ft below ground.) We got to see some nice looking formations, small ponds, and hear some of the history of the cave. we hopefully got some good pictures as well. On the way out, we all stopped, sat down, and experienced the total quiet and darkness of the caverns. it was beautiful. I just wish it could have lasted longer. It had been a long time since I had been in a cave, and even longer since being in the dark zone. We then came up, ate some lunch and proceeded to sit around way too long without figuring out what we were going to do next. this is one of my last few trips with the geoclub, and I want to see all that I can with these friends. It _almost_ makes you wish that we weren't all going to graduate and go our own ways. Other things make it so you can't wait...

I really need to stop goin gon trips with large numbers of indecisive argumentative people. I really wish that Mikey was still touring with us, and that I was in his car. Mel has totally pissed me off, Shawn has never really been on my good side, and I feel that Tim is an immature asshole. The rest I think I am good with right now. That would be Josh, Lisa, Carolyn, Brett, Jo, and Matt. To hell with the other three. I am really sick of Mel's general attitude, and of her temper flaring for no reason. I shall just try and ignore her for now. Why oh why did I have to let her borrow my CD's. That is really going to start getting me annoyed soon. So, we decided to add another 2 hours on to our trip to go see Sitting Bull Falls. I want to see it as well, I just don't wan tto deal with the three afore mentioned peoples at all right now. At least I am up in front with Carolyn driving so that I do not have to deal with any of them while on the road. I'll havve to thank Brett for letting me have the front seat. It is definitly much appreciated. Maybe I am just a disgruntled punk, but fuck em all. So I crank up the volume of my angry hate music, and close out all of my surroundings. Much better.

7:15 - It's now 7:1 and we are on the road to Carlsbad. Our tour is at 9:00, but we need to be there early to get everything moving along. I'm listening to Pink Floyd's The Wall. For some reason my CD player does not like track 3. Oh well. We woke up around 6:00 and broke camp. The people I am with are slow as all hell, so Matt and I sat around for about half an hour waiting for them all. I guess there was a skunk walking around camp last night, and some asshole showed up at around 4:30-5 asking if we were from NMSU. I think he woke everyone up, but I almost slept through that as well. I guess when I finally get to sleep I am out cold. Oh, and I ended up sleeping in my bivouac.

October 20, 2000

Brantley Lake State Park, NM - Today we started out up at Sunspot, where Mikey worked over the summer. We had a pretty interesting tour of the place, then headed over to White Sands National Monument. I proceeded to once again injure myself by throwing my body headlong over the edge of some dunes. There shall hopefully be some good pictures of this. I also for some reason let them bury me in the sand up to my neck. We headed back to the van, then down to where we are now. It is about 21:00 and we are starting to set up camp and make dinner consisting of steak and potatoes. It looks to be clearing up a bit, so I plan on sleeping under the stars. Matt is listening to the radio on his discman, and peoples are setting up tents. What joy this camping stuff can be. I could really use a beer right about now. I can't stand people that hate camping but go anyways. Perhaps more before sleep ensues.

October 19, 2000

21:30 - I am now down here at Mikey's house in Alamogordo. I'm sick and all that, so I decided it was a better idea not to camp out both nights. I almost didn't go on this trip at all. We finally left Socorro around 18:00 or so. It is now 21:30. It was a nice little drive down, and we listened to a few of m CD's. Tommmorrow we head up to Sunspot and White Sands, and will be camping down by Artesia. It's been otherwise a rather boring day. I ddi get to meet both of Mikey's cats, although only one won't even talk to me at all. Thems the breaks. At least they aren't Spike.

13:36 - I guess it has been my habitual couple of days off from updating. My ... key is working again. Now I just can't type. I'm sick and can't concentrate all that well. And during last nights soccer game i jammed a couple of fingers pretty well. So they are taped together right now. It's not hurting quite as much, but I can't type very well right now. Today is the last day of classes before a three day weekend. The geoclub is heading out this afternoon, and i am debating if i should go at all with this cold. it isn't supposed to be good weather this weekend, and i cannot afford to get any more sick. i'm thinking that this might be similar to the cold i had over the summer. time for another three weeks of hell.

October 16, 2000 22:27

Well, I have already broken my vow not to play soccer this semester. I played goalie tonight. We actually tied even though we were down a person. And we had more shots on goal than the did, too. I guess it is a good start to the season as it was the team we lost our last two games to (including the tournament.) Also, my period is acting up right now. It doesn't acknowledge that I hit it half the time, so if there are any missing on my ramblings page or here, that is why. I just finished my MATE homework, and am thinking of going to bed soon. Right now I am just sitting back, listening to some tunes, and relaxing to Jimmy Buffett. I don't recognize the song, so it must be off of Beach House on the Moon. It's quite catchy, though...

October 15, 2000 0:40

Wow. I hadn't realized it had been that long since I last posted. It's been a long weekend, and I am really not in the best of moods. There are just times in everyones lives where it seems that all of their friends have forsaken them. Only one person has talked to me today without me either getting online or calling them myself. Thanks Matt. I truely appreciate it. I've just been sitting around doing absolutely nothing all day. I eventually called up Mikey, and we rented The 13th Warrior and The Wedding Singer. I ordered a pizza, and we watched the movies. Now I am sitting here watching The Wedding Singer again. I really need a happy movie right now, and this one definitly works. I feel the need to really hurt something or someone. I miss high school, or at least some of the people there. I have realized that I somewhat idolized some people back then, and never admitted it to myself until today. Whatever. Like anyone really cares all that much.

October 9, 2000 16:36

I was afraid for a few minutes earlier that the sun might actually break out. Luckily it hasn't yet. I want to enjoy this weather as long as I can. It reminds me of home, and sitting out in the parking lot waiting for my friend Kelly in the parking lot. Those were back in the good ol' days of highschool. I had some good times back then. But then, those times are way out of date. Times long past, and becoming antique in my mind.

20:46-Ok, so I am looking back over what I put up today. I would like to rephrase the end of it. The thoughts and all that are not out of date, just the time of experiencing it all. The situations are actually all fairly well missed. Those were some good times that have yet to be replicated down here.

October 8, 2000 13:09

The past couple of days have been rather different than they have been recently. I've been sitting on our couch in front of the TV watching HBO while it has been raining out. Yes, rain in New Mexico. It happens. It's been rather beautiful out here the last couple of days. I love this season. The temperatures start dropping, the clouds have moved in, it's drizziling. It's just about perfect here. Great weather to be sitting inside with warm clothes and watch some good television. I've gotta go find myself some military jump boots. Last night we ate at the Brewing Company. We then showed up here, and watched So I Married An Axe Murderer. I'll have to get Matthew back for the shit he was talking on his site last night. I also finally talked to my parents yesterday as well. Today I have just been sitting here in my house, thinking about life. I think at this point I have reached an equilibrium in my life. We shall see how long it lasts, eh?

October 5, 2000

12:42 Uhr-Here I sit after yet another morning of pure bliss. I just love going to materials and igneous back to back. It helps to make my day complete. Or is that just because I don't have anything after ig/met on thursdays...Anyways, I forgot to change my alarm clock, and so I have been very confused all morning. For some reason I kept thinking that my classes started at 8 today, so I would have missed handing in my homework in materials. My timing is just all off, and I wasn't really thinking. On the upside, I wrote another kinda rambling this morning in class. I will eventually go find where I put it, and post it to my site. Not sure when that will actually get done, though. After igneous, I went and picked up a ticket to go to the magic thing tommorrow with Carolyn. Hopefully that will be fun. At least I will be doing something tommorrow night. So now I am just sitting here at home trying to keep refraining from hurting Steve. I'm going to go and edit out some of my mp3's on my other computer. Perhaps I will be posting again later, perhaps not. It all depends...

October 4, 2000 22:31

Hmmm...I think I have finally started to piss people off. That didn't really take too long, but it took long enough. Perhaps points will be seen soon. Today has been very boring. Watched my normal three shows for the afternoon. Xena, Sliders, and Babylon 5. They are all on back to back on SciFi. I love that channel. It has some of the most mind-numbing shows out there. It's great. So now here I sit doing nothing. Keagan was over earlier getting help for his Vectors class from Mikey who is still here doing his own homework. I'm feeling rather unmotivated even though I do have Materials homework that is due tommorrow. It shouldn't be hard to do, I just don't feel like doing the busy work right now. Maybe in a little bit so I can go to bed at a reasonable hour. I didn't do too well on the test for that class, so I really need to start focusing a bit more on the homework. I'm starting to wonder why I even bother to check peoples websites as often as I do. Most of my friends haven't updated their sites in forever.

October 3, 2000 19:01

So tonight I am sitting here watching a great little show that my cousin Donna introduced me to over the summer. It's called Freaks and Geeks. For some reason it just kinda hits home. If it wasn't for the time period it is set in, it would remind me about my own past so much. I just love it. I wonder if Donna actually still reads my site at all? I guess this is how I will find out ;-) There are most definitly certain things I miss about this summer. And it ain't the driving. It was a lot of fun seeing all my family members that I never get to see. I really need to try and figure out how to get that feeling back. It's like, this summer I was feeling welcome and wanted. So much for that at school. I've been blown off by everyone the last few days. It's getting rather annoying.

October 2, 2000 19:40

Ok. So I am theoretically done playing soccer for a few months. Today was the first game of the tourney, and we of course lost. It all came down to the last PK after our overtime period. Couldn't quite get my hand out fast enough, although it was a good attempt. Other than that it has been a fairly uneventful day. Talked to my History teacher about trying to get a certain class next semester, and he said that there might be a chance to get an independent study course going for a few people. Either a second semester of historical fiction, or myths in history. Something like that. Just got back from Furrs with Carolyn, and I don't really feel like adding anything else right now. Laters!

23:15-So I am posting again. I have decided to put my true thoughts down. I really need something new in my life, but I am just too chicken shit to do anything about it. I know where I want to go to a point, but I just can't bring myself to try and acheive my goal. I really need a few things. I need to quit smoking, and find myself a woman. This would just be a start. Just what am I doing with my life? I have no direction, and no guts to do anything about it. So here I sit watching GAC (Great American Country), and wallow in my thoughts. I can't even get some of my friends to reply to my ICQ's, and others don't even know my thoughts. Most don't even look at my site. I do not know what to think anymore. I need to do something, but I don't know what. I would dye my hair some funky color, but I think I would die come Christmas when I go home. There is just something with blue hair and a very conservative family that just don't mix. On the upside my cousin Crystal had her baby this afternoon. It's a girl. I think I am going to try and get up there sometime soon to see her. We shall see, though. I'm going to have to get some money from somewhere to pay for gas and all that to get up there. I'm very happy for my cousin. I think it was a pretty big kid, too. Something like 16.5 lbs, and 19 inches or somethin. So I guess I am just kinda in a put out type of mood right now. Sometimes I wish I were to be a little more transparent with my thoughts. Maybe I will eventually get a backbone...

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