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Field Camp Quotes, 2001

I'm the tamale's bitch - Andrew Johnson

My favorite brand of bug spray is "fuck off" - Dr. Bruce Harrison

I've seen three Worlds Fairs and goat fucking contest, but this is the strangest thing i have ever seen - Dr. Dave Johnson, quoting his mother

Oh look! I have a clock! - Mikey

It's kinda a cross between a washing machine and a missle. - Kai

We can use Mel as Chihaua bait - Matt

Fuck you! - Mel, all too frequently

Bill Clinton dies 10/21/2000 - graffiti seen in Alamogordo, NM

"There is something very calming about being on the range. You hear the birds singing... watch the deer play... the sky is so blue and beautiful. You can almost drown out the sound of your M16 as you reflect in this relaxing setting." - E Soebbing

Some people have told me they don't think a fat penguin really embodies the grace of Linux, which just tells me they have never seen an angry penguin charging at them in excess of 100mph. They'd be a lot more careful about what they say if they had -Linus Torvalds.

This page was last updated: June 5, 2001 18:49

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