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Summer 2000

May 13, 2000-Farmington, NM

Well, it was an uneventful drive from Socorro to Farmington. I arrived here about 4pm, and was shortly kidnapped by my cousin for about an hour. Got to meet one of Crystal's friends, and her grandfather. Had pizza for dinner, and watched some movies with my uncle. Now it is time for me to try and check my email without any trouble. If y'all end up seeing this, then there probably was not any problems on my end. We shall see!

May 14, 2000

Still here in Farmington. Went out for lunch with Crystal, her friend Terri, and Terri's b/f TJ. Had a good BLT, but the fries were kinda nasty. Tommorrow is Mother's Day, so I had better remember to send at least an email to my mother. If I had thought about it earlier, I could have ordered flowers or something...too late now, though. I only ended up eating 12 tacos for dinner. I am rather ashamed. I can usually eat more than that. Oh well.

May 15, 2000

Another wonderful day here in Farmington. Not much going on here, being mother's day and all. I've mostly just been listening to music and playing computer games all day. I even sat out on the mesa playing for a bit, but the glare on my screen was too much. I called my mom earlier today to wish her a happy mother's day. She is home alone for a while.

May 16, 2000

I really didn't feel like getting up today, so since both my aunt and uncle were at work I stayed in bed until about noon. When my uncle got home, we went out to the dump to get rid of some railroad ties. I then drove from the dump to Crystal's house in their manual transmission truck. I don't think I did all that bad, but I tend to hurry on occasion and stalled it out a couple of times. Oops. At least I didn't roll back into any cars when trying to start on hills. I'm not sure how close I came to one, though...Had nachos for dinner, and then read for a while as John and Mil went looking at houses. One of Jason's friends, Jennifer, came over to drop off a mother's day gift from Jason since he is still down in Cruces. I think she is Jason's ex, but I am not sure. Ate some popcorn, and we all sat around talking until now, which is about 0030. Sorry, but I like the 24-hour clock. Sue me. I will probably wait until morning to upload this, cause I really don't feel like dealing with trying to get a connection right now. It's been kind of a pain. My computer keeps telling me to reset the modem. On my laptop. What is up with that? Matt? Someone? Oh well.

May 17, 2000

Not much really happened. It was really windy when I woke up, so my foot was hurting me. Didn't go out and practice on a standard again. Maybe on Christy's car...As long as there are no hills, that is. At least not til I get used to starting on flat ground. Takes too much thought. Went to Hastings, and bought myself 4 more DVDs, and ordered the only pkids album I don't yet have. The movies I got were Das Boot, Natural Born Killers, Dick, and the South Park movie. The first two are directors cuts, and Das Boot I can watch in German with English subtitles :)

May 18, 2000

Slept all day again. But I will be going to the movies with my cousin later tonight. Other than that, I've just been reading most of the afternoon. I miss being able to be online 24/7. I get bored when I can't be online. I have no reason to get out of bed now. There isn't all that much to do here. But tommorrow I head out to Socorro again. That should be an interesting trip. A four hour drive, dinner, and the Capitol Bar with Jo and Mindy. I haven't been there since I got back from Christmas break for my birthday. Won't be the same without Danny and Erick, though. I rememeber that night well...

May 19, 2000-Socorro (Again)

Ok, so back in Socorro. Jo didn't make it down, so I didn't get to go to the Cap. So much for celebrating a birthday. It was a boring drive back down, and I have to wake up kinda early to get in to Tulsa before it gets too late. So I will probably watch one of my DVDs and then get to sleep.

May 20, 2000-Broken Arrow

I made it from Socorro to Christy's house in 10 hours. Not too shabby for only going 5 over for the most part. I mean, my car went from Tucumcari, NM, to Oklahoma City, OK on one tank of gas. Well, just short of OKC, but close enough. It would have made it. That is a 350 mile distance. I still had about 1/8 of a tank left. Must have been pretty good gas, huh? And I am once again realizing just how much driving I have ahead of me.

May 21, 2000-MayFest, Tulsa, OK

Slept in kinda late, and then went with Christy to Wal-Mart (I forgot my toiletries in Farmington...), we picked up Micheal (who is most definitly not on my good side), got Christy's shoes for Ashley and Daniel's wedding (Christy is a bridesmaid.) Dropped Micheal (Ceasar) at his house, then crashed at Christy's for a while. At about 7, Ashley and Daniel got here, and we went to pick up Ceasar and headed to MayFest. I felt a little out of place there, and am a little perturbed that I had to pay $2.50 for a can of fricking Budweiser. I dislike Bud. I dislike it ever so much. Jacob Fred's Jazz Odessey was pretty cool, though. We left during their set though, without Andrea showing up (later found out she was falling down drunk elsewhere, possibly not far from where we were...) Went out to Ashley's house, smoked for a bit, drank a few beers, and then headed out to camp in one of thier cow fields. Had a small fire, some more smoking, and more drinking. I think some other stuff happened, but I am not entirely sure. I think I finally crawled into my tent between 4 and 6 in the morning. I know it was after 4, and before 6 cause Christy went to bed at 6. Christy hasn't been too clear on what time she actually got me into my tent. I miss that tree I had been leaning on for about 2 comment on that on please...

May 22, 2000

I think I am a bit hung over. Oops. My head has been spinning for the most part since I first got up this morning. That was around 10 or 11. I'm not sure, cause the battery in my watch died a while ago. Like last month...We headed back to Ashley's house, and had some toast for breakfast. Christy had to drop "Ceasar" back at his house on the far side of town, and then we finally headed back to Christy's. Finally met up with Andrea in the afternoon. Could make for an interesting rest of my time here...I think she is going to be keeping me company while Christy is taking her drug test and working out with her Navy recruiter. I'm not sure though. Andrea will be back later tonight and we can figure it out then. The three of us went to Señor Perez for lunch/dinner, drove around for a while, then decided to see a movie. So we went to Road Trip. I thought it was pretty good. Or at least entertaining. I guess the movie was actually really bad, but it got me to laugh. Who knows. Came back to Christy's again, and finally am updating my site again. I think I should put a link to my travel page up on all my pages, huh? hmmm.....Andrea, Christy, Mike and myself drove around for the night, and drank in a couple of different places. All but Christy that is. She still has to be good for that whole Navy thing. We got back to Christy's at around 3am.

May 23, 2000

I just woke up. It is now 2:23pm. Andrea is over again, and I think the three of us are about to head out for the afternoon. Andrea and I went to an IMAX movie, Mysteries of Egypt. It was pretty cool. We then went over to Mike's house and Andrea basically rewrote his English paper for him. We all went out for dinner at Zio's, which is some pretty good Italian food. I just had a Caeser salad, but it was pretty damn good. It had been a while since I had some greens in my diet. After that we headed up to Ashley's house for a bit. While there we watched part of The 18th Angel, which wasn't all that good the firsts time I saw it. Headed back to Christy's house around midnight, and ended up spending a couple hours looking at the stars with Andrea. Almost played on the playground at her and Christy's old elementary school. I'm starting to actually like BA...

May 24, 2000

Another day of staying in bed too long. I'm wondering if Christy went to take her drug test yet. I think her dad is actually still home, cause Loki is out of his kennel. Loki is a psycho little black lab pup, as opposed to Tuff, Christy's sweet little Socorroan dog. I like Tuff. Zima is cool too, but her tail is very broken. Poor cat.

May 25, 2000

Assuming that I didn't miss a day, I actually woke up today. Weird, huh...There was good reason to wake up, though. Oh, wait. I didn't get out of bed until about noon...I went with Christy to get her drug test (I hope this should be a wednesday entry...) I think there was a Natural Gas leak somewhere in Tulsa, cause I sure smelled it on the way to the hospital. After her drug test (Christy needed it for her new job at PetSmart), we headed back to her house. Christy went out with Caeser, and I sat around and watched Das Boot auf Deutsch. They mislabled the DVD, though. Side A as labled was actually side B. I still need to see the beginning of the movie, because for some reason I wasn't thinking enough to notice that there had been no opening credits, and the movie made no sense when it first started. It took a little while to actually start making sense. For the evening we went over to John's (?) house, and all sat around drinking a little bit. It rained a bit, and I went out and walked in it for a while. Again way too early in the morning we arrived back at Christy's house for the night, and Andrea got home just before her dad did, so I think she is in trouble again. Well, not sure yet. I guess we will find out.

May 26, 2000

After getting back last night, Christy and I sat around talking for a bit, then went to sleep. I woke up about 11 to see if Kelly had sent me either directions or her phone number, but to no avail. Crap. So I am staying here in Broken Arrow another night. Christy is about to leave to pick up her neice and nephew, so I move into Christy's room and Christy goes to the guest room with the crib in there. So even though I am not leaving, at least I get to meet the kids and I still have to pack up all my stuff. Christy got back around 8:30, after leaving me home all by myself. I went on a walk during the afternoon, and then Andrea, Christy, Caeser and myself went over to Ashley's so that Christy could try on her bridesmaid dress. On the way back to Christy's, we stopped and rented American Beauty. It was a pretty good movie. Andrea just went home, and Christy just left to take home Caeser. I loaned Caeser my Greatful Dead tapes. If I stay here long enough I may get them back before I leave. We shall see, though. If Kelly doesn't hurry up and give me directions, I'll have to drive straight through to home from here on Sunday. It's been a kinda weird day. Not sure what to make of it. I think it is good, but it definitly wasn't bad. I'm not sure quite how to explain it, though.

May 27, 2000

I've been here for a week now. How weird. Had to deal with the kids for a while today, and I really pity Christy. I just sat around the house all day, and helped out where I could. Ate Fritos and watched Natural Born Killers for lunch, and went to Sonic for dinner. Andrea came over for a while at night, and that will possibly be the last time I see her this stay. I got a new person listening to the pkids. This extended stay here was worth something. I'm seriously thinking of taking myself off of my prozac. If I could remember Elaine's email address, I would ask her opinion on it. Tommorrow is the Indy 500, and I will be home monday to watch the first 11 episodes of the X-files. I love memorial day marathons. The shows that started out the whole series. Now that I watch it, I want to see the beginning.

May 28, 2000-Crystal Lake, IL

I really don't like driving. Was in the car for about 11 hours, and the most expensive gas I saw was about $1.83. That is really annoying. I want to go back to when gas was half that amount. That price for gas makes it rather expensive to be doing this kind of thing. I guess that is about all that really happened. Just a lot of driving. Oh, and I almost lost my gas cap, cause I forgot to put it back on after that expensive gas. I guess the prices just had me so amazed I forgot to think about it. Luckily, I remembered about it before I got onto the Interstate, and I was able to go back and find it.

May 29, 2000

I got up about 10, and started watching the Xfiles at 11. I invited Lara over for about the last half of them, and we got Rosati's for dinner. I am so thankful that Gillian Anderson finally realized that red was not her color, and found the darker colors that work so much better for her. All in all, it was a rather uneventful Memorial Day. I didn't end up going down to the lock to visit, because the river was closed and I didn't want to get drafted into answering phones for them. That is one thing I most definitly do NOT miss about working there. Nothing like irate boaters on a holiday weekend when the river is closed to motorized traffic...

May 30, 2000

Finally got my hair cut. I think I lost 2 pounds there. At least my hair isn't curly anymore. I went across the road today where some idiot is actually trying to build a house. The reason there isn't already a house there is that it is basically swamp land. There was an interesting combination of different types of soil there. It went from clay/nutrient rich to very sandy. The guy shall have his hands full trying to get a house in there without any serious problems. Especially with the septic. I'll probably be eating at Plum Garden tonight, cause my parents are going to the Cubs game tonight. Another wonderful evening without my parents. What a shame, you know?

May 31, 2000

Sat around for most of the day, then went out to Duke O'briens and Chilis with Lara. We talked a lot about the wonderous land of Broken Arrow, OK. Other than that, not much really happened. Yet another lazy day at home in Crystal Lake.

June 1, 2000

Slept in again until about noon, then watched some TV and stuff. Talked my mom into hamburgers tonight for dinner, so at least I will get some beef to eat. It's a good thing I still have a beer left, too. I don't want to drink my parents dribble. Was going to start reading a book, but I realized when I opened it that I read it last year. Oops. That just about takes care of the books I had to read for this summer. And I only actually read one of the three. I'm just sitting around the house, bored out of my mind. There is still nothing to really do in this town. I just need to find a way to get my mom to agree that I don't need to be on prozac anymore, and get me out of my doctor's appointment on Tuesday. I want to be able to leave that morning, but it doesn't seem like that will be happening. I hate trying to find locations in the dark.

June 2, 2000

Didn't do too terribly much today. Went out to Plum Garden with Lara for dinner. I for once did not get fried rice. I got the Mongolian Steak because it was supposed to be hot and spicy, but there was no kick to it. I need to get some good spicy food soon, or I am going to flip.

June 3, 2000

Sat around for most of the morning, then helped my parents a bit with some yardwork. In the afternoon I headed up to Temple Farms (home of the largest herd of Lippazan horses outside of Vienna.) There was a dressage show up there this weekend, and so there is going to be a party tonight. I drank way too much. Or at least more than I should have. At one point I ended up on a golf cart with about 6 other people, and we went around ding-dong ditching some of the houses on the property. Made for quite an eventful evening. Jenny Oliver and Dan Johnson showed up for the night as well, so there was people there besides Sean that I knew. I also met someone that is my parents age and listens to good music like Moby. So I played some Aphex Twin for her, and I think she enjoyed it. I'm not too sure what time the party died out, but I do know that I never want to sleep on that couch again.

June 4, 2000

Woke up a few times throughout the morning as people had to wake up and leave Sean's cabin. Sean and Jenny (another Temple employee) had to start working at like 6:30, and Jenn Oliver and Dan left at about 7:30 to get back to CL in time for Jenny to work at 9. I ended up rolling off the couch around 10:30 to go out and watch some more of the show. I hate cool weather when it is drizzeling. I hate it even more when I am really thirsty and have to get a nice cold soda to drink. Nothing like an ice cold Mountain Dew when it is about 60 degrees and raining. Left for home around noon, and have just been sitting around since. I did find out through the poster childern's mailing list that a group that played at my highschool has now hit it kinda big in Chicago. Chris Schneeberger saw Nymb play on friday night, I believe. I asked him who the people were in the band to make sure it was the same Nymb, and I only recognized half the members names. Elaine Doty and Jamie Zoeller. I think Elaine was my german partner for a while in HS. I know she was at least in class with me a few semesters. They were supposedly good. Must be because they don't have Adam Kazmerik in the group anymore.

June 5, 2000

Monday morning. I hate mondays...I packed back up my stuff for most of the day, and had some of my plans on where to stay when change abrubtly. I'm still trying to figure out why Kelly wouldnt' give me directions to her place. Ended up going out to Around The Clock with Lara to discuss her new job at the Flying Dutchman in Barrington Hills, IL. That is about the extent of my day. Sorry it wasn't more eventful ;)

June 6, 2000-Rolla, Missouri

Well, this is where I decided to spend the night on my way to Tulsa. Kelly never gave me directions, and I couldn't go to Tulsa tonight. It was a late start on the road anyways. I had to wait for the shipment to come in so I could get myself a cell phone. The number is 815-861-5967. I have to figure out how to get my voicemail set up, because the number the guy gave me to do it is roadside emergency here in MO. ARGH!!! Oh well. I guess that is life for ya. I'll have to give them a call tommorrow and figure it out I guess. Or maybe on Thursday...I just noticed in the mirror in front of me that it looks like I have a black eye. I wonder if it is just the lighting. My dad also picked up a digital camera today, so I will be taking some pictures on it soon and putting those up on my site as well. What fun today was! I got a digital camera, a cell phone, and drove for 7 hours or so! Now that is what I would call a good summer day. And the temperatures are finally going up. That is nice as well. Now if only Andrea was going to be in Broken Arrow while I was there. That would just about make my week for me, ya know? Well, battery is going down, so I will upload and check my email again. If you don't get an email with my cell phone number tonight, that means that you should send me an email asking for it again, and I need to add you to my address book. I think I am currently lacking quite a few people in it...

June 7, 2000-Broken Arrow, OK

Long day, but a short drive. I had to check out too early, and Christy wasn't getting off of work until 9:00pm. I had to do quite a bit of stalling for time on my way down to OK. Night brought margaritas and sangrias for Christy, and Pete's Wicked Ale for me. Not all that much really happened, though.

June 8, 2000

I slept in fairly late, and didn't really do much of anything. Christy had to work again, so she wasn't home. She was supposed to get off at 9 again, but she didn't get out until about 12:30 or something. So she didn't come pick me up before she went to Megan's apartment. I was asleep when she got back at 3:30 in the morning. Oh, and I watched some tennis. The French open women's semi-final match. I would rather have watched the second semi-final match, but I was tired and went to bed instead.

June 9, 2000-Socorro, NM

Hadn't really planned on stopping here, but it ended up being a good decision. Everyone was getting back for the summer session to start, so there was a small little party when I showed up on Jo's porch. I didn't get out of Broken Arrow until WAY late, because Christy was at her recruitors when I awoke. I waited for her to get back so I could say farewell and everything. Because of that, I missed the first movie in socorro. But I was there for Heather's. Stayed up a little too late, though. Oh, and there was a nice thunderstorm going through Amarillo, TX.

June 10, 2000-Vista, CA

I finally made it out to visit Heather. And it was only a 13 hour drive or so. Really wasn't all that bad. I kind of like the scenery going across the bottom of our nations southwest. The area between Yuma and San Diego was a little bit of a pain, though. Especially since I hit it at twilight so the light was flat. Bloody mountainous regimes. I got to Vista about 9:30 or so after a slight missing of a turn. Had a few beers, talked with Heather, and met Mike (Heather's boyfriend) and Marcia (one of Heather's friends). We watched The Matrix and then broke up and went to sleep. Yipee, I have a fold-away couch. At least I don't have to drive anywhere for a few days. My back is killing me right now.

June 11, 2000

Slept in a little late. I rolled out of bed around noon. I wonder if Heather and Mike realize I am up yet. Probably not, or else the would have come out by now. Heather's dog, Molly, is rather getting on my nerves. She keeps stepping on my foot. The one that was broken. It hurts quite a bit when she does it, too. Stupid young dogs.

June 12, 2000

Umm....Have I done anything at all today? Not that I can remember. Other than starting to watch "Das Boot" in Spanish with French subtitles.

June 13, 2000

Went out and bought a few DVD's this afternoon. I got "Being John Malkovich," "Fight Club," and "The Matrix." And to think I only wanted to get "Fight Club." It is the collectors edition, too. That makes it even better. Ordered pizza for dinner. Other than that, not too much really happened.

June 14, 2000-Calistoga, CA-Nance's Day Spa

I hate driving. It is getting old rather quickly. And my mom's car almost overheated coming through San Francisco. It was such a warm, toasty trip that I decided to stay in a hotel instead of camping. It was quite a nice shower I had tonight, as well. I also watched "Being John Malkovich" tonight. Great movie, and highly recommended. It probably isn't for everyone, though. Oh, and I am staying at Nance's Spa or something like that. The first two places I tried to find a room were either full or costing $129 plus tax. Blast it all anyways.

June 15, 2000-Calistoga, CA-Foothills Inn

Oh my god...I love my family. I went over to Scarlet's about 10:30 or so this morning. Probably about an hour later or so Jim and his family showed up. We sat around talking for a while, then ate some lunch. Darek (sp?) is a pretty cool guy. Eventually I might figure out how I am related to everyone in my family. I sat around reading until about 5:30-6 when more people started showing up. Or maybe it was a little before that. I've lost all track of time today. I think Scarlet said that there was to be 53 members of the Koch's family here this weekend. Not as many as last time, but it should still be a sweet reunion. I think all the Judevines are here. I haven't seen Donna in forever. She is so fun to hang out with. We had a BBQ for dinner, and all sat around chatting for a long time. Ended up coming back with my parents about midnight or so. Or was it 11? I don't have a clue anymore. Now I am staying with my parents at a new B&B, and this place is just so cool. The room is huge, and there is a sunroom with all kinds of stuff to do in it. They even have movies in here to watch. Well, the A/C has turned off, and I don't want to keep my parents up with my typing...Scarlet also has the cutest little pup named Beans, pictured here:

June 16, 2000

Ah, fridays. We went over to Scarlet's place after a nice breakfast here. It was another scorchingly hot day. I actually went swimming. The last time I was swimming was the summer after I graduated from HS while I was down in the Florida Keys. There was a nice big water fight. I "accidently" hit my mom a few times fairly well. It was a lot of fun, except when I inhaled some chlorinated water...We then all went to dinner in Calistoga. I guess it was an okay dinner, but I got stuck at the "kid's table". I'm still trying to figure that one out. I definitly needed a stiff drink after getting seated at that table, so I got a vodka martini on the rocks. Interesting drink if I do say so myself. Didn't taste like much, but it had a viscious aftertaste. After what was probably the equivelant of about 3-4 shots in a fairly short period of time, I was unusually stable. Go figure. After dinner, we came back to the B&B and read for a bit before going to sleep.

June 17, 2000

uh-oh. I waited to long and can't remember most of what happened. I do remember that dinner was good, and I got a professional massage. I definitly recommend that. Oh, and I replace my Schramsberg hat finally. I just remember that I had fun.

June 18, 2000-Calistoga, CA/Kingsman, AZ

I rather HATE driving in CA. Especially when I don't get on the road until after noon. And well after noon at that. I finally left Scarlett's at like 2pm, and drove all of the rest of the day. I would have left earlier, but I wanted to say goodbye to a few people that didn't show up until after lunch. The drive wasn't actually all that bad, I just didn't really want to leave. The day after leaving Napa Valley was rather uneventful.

June 19, 2000-Shamrock, TX

Today has been the day from hell. I woke up this morning rather later than I had planned. When I went out to my car, I had a flat tire! That took a couple of hours to find a place to plug the hole (it ended up being a nail through the tire.) At least I could get some air into it just across the street. Then about 50 miles or so out of Kingsman, I got a ticket for doing 61 in a 45, and it just so happened to have been in a frickin' construction area. When I hit Gallup, NM finally, it started to downpour with some nice hail mixed in. This idiot in front of my never turned on his lights, so I couldn't see him until I was right on top of him. When I hit the brakes, my car fishtailed a bit on me. I'm probably lucky I didn't get in an accident. I mean, I swear I was hydroplaning all the way through Gallup. At least after that rain it was an easy drive to here in TX. And I actually got 450 miles on this last tank of gas. I sure hope I can make it to a gas station in the morning, because the only one I passed by on the way into town was closed. Stupid small towns. But at least I think I can make it into Tulsa with only minimal driving tommorrow. Maybe 5 hours max, I think. I'm about 200 miles out of OKC, and I think Tulsa is only about an hour past that or something.

June 20, 2000-Broken Arrow, OK

I woke up a bit later today than I had planned, but that was partially because I forgot to change the time on my cellphone which I have been using for an alarm. After an uneventful drive, I got into the Tulsa area around 3pm. Christy wasn't home, so I drove over to Mike's house looking for her. I must have passed her on the way or something, because she had left his house not all that long before I got there. She finally called me back on my cell phone about 3:30-3:45 as she was on her way out the door to work. So now I am just sitting here trying to come up with something to do. I'm hoping that Andrea will get home from work and call me early enough to go out and grab something to eat, but who knows. I sure hope she didn't try calling me while I was on the phone with Lara just now...Christy doesn't get off of work until 9, and I know I need to get something to eat before that. I mean, I didn't really feel like stopping at all on the trip here so I haven't eaten anything all day. That is most definitly not a good thing.

June 21, 2000

Not all it was cracked up to be. Sat around for most of the day, then went out with Christy and Andrea for dinner and a movie. I was basically blown off all night. We ended up watching 'Being John Malkovich' which I think is a pretty good movie. I think today was basically a bust, but then I was in a kinda poor mood anyways...

June 22, 2000-Chesterfield, MO

Staying with Jim and Veronica Shaw tonight. Their kids are so adorable. I would put a picture of the kids up here, but it kind of disappeared somehow between the camera and the computer. I can't figure that one out. Oh well. Just kinda hung out all afternoon and night.

June 23, 2000-Paducah, KY

About halfway down here I realized I forgot my cell phone at Jim and Veronica's house. Oops. So I got here, and gave them my brothers address in Orlando. I also don't have to switch cars with my mom while here. The serpentine belt was needing replaced, so my parents decided not to stick me with my car. Looks like I get to keep the camero until I get home in August. Lucky me. Had the rehersal dinner tonight. That was a lot of fun. My brother took a bunch of pictures on the digital camera, and when I tried downloading them they kinda disappeared into lala land. And of course they were deleted off of the camera after the transfer was "successful", so I lost all 22 pictures I had on there.

June 24, 2000

The wedding was this morning at 10:30, or was it 11:30? I can't remember right now. The ceremony was short and sweet, but very good. I can't believe my cousin is actually married! Charlie and Carrie looked very happy, and they are going to have their honeymoon in St. Lucia. After the wedding, the reception was held at Carrie's grandparents farm. It was a warm day, but the wind helped keep it rather cool in the shade. We all had a lot of fun there, as well. Charlie and Carrie headed off to somewhere tonight, and my grandparents held a party for our side of the family for dinner. Most of it was seafood stuff, but they did have prime rib there. Almost everyone at my table got the beef. It was a very good cut, although I found it a bit salty myself. I also had a grasshopper for dessert. Yummie!

June 25, 2000-Orlando, FL

Another long day of driving, and I have come to the conclusion that I can no longer do math in my head. I only got to Orlando 6 hours before I thought would be the earliest possible time...Georgia is a kinda cool state. Tennessee sucks, but Kentucky is cool. I guess it was every other state was cool today. Mike and I went out for some Taco Bell at midnight, so I am about to go to bed.

June 26, 2000

Sat around for most of the day, watching TV and talking to people online for once in my life. My brother has digital cable so there are three different HBO's for me to pay attention to. I'm loving it.

June 27, 2000-Mike's Birthday

Mike started his weird hour classes today. He had lab at 1am. Poor sap. He then also went had class at 1pm. After he got back, we went to go see Titan AE. It was a pretty good movie. Other than that, I have just been talking to people online, playing computer games, and watching TV.

June 28, 2000

Once again didn't do all that much. Watched more TV, messed around on my computer (which is acting up again), and so on. My computer won't go to sleep. The screen just goes blank and I have to force restart it. Starting to really piss me off...I shall just blame it on using Norton Utilities...

June 29, 2000

Today I recorded a lot of my brothers CDs onto mp3. Added another half a gig of music to my computer. Other than that, it has just been like the rest of the week. But then, the shows on TV have been worse than normal today. There has been a couple of good movies on HBO, but I had already seen them all. Isn't that just depressing. I did finally get some liquid caffiene today. I haven't had Mt. Dew in a really long time. I was starting to get rather desperate.

June 30, 2000

Well, I just sat around all day again. Can't remember anything really exciting happening. Well, other than actually talking to Matt on the phone. Oh, and I finally got my conformation for the Macworld Expo. I'm in. Matt should be soon, but I guess there was a problem with them misplacing his online registration.

July 1, 2000

Another day of sitting around doing not much of anything. This time, I am pretty sure that nothing of real note happened.

July 2, 2000-Orlando/Tampa/Orlando/West Palm Beach

Had to go pick up my dad at the Tampa airport. Went back to Orlando to pick up my brother and start towards the keys, but he has a band practice on the morning of July 4th. I guess that is what he gets for joining a band and only having 2 real practices with them so far. The have a gig next week. Should be interesting. While waiting for Mike to get back from practice, my father and I went to see The Patriot. I do have to say it was an amazing movie. The sound was great, as well as the action. It seems that some people are a little peeved about the portrayal of the British in it, but oh well. So after dinner, my father and I started out rather late towards the keys, and my knees proceeded to give me a lot of pain. So we ended up stopping a little earlier than planned in West Palm Beach. We had been planning on getting south of Miami.

July 3, 2000-Key West

We got an early start on the day, and proceeded to the southern extremes of the continental US. Looking at a map this afternoon, it almost looked as if we are closer to Cuba than to Miami. Time to go get some cigars, eh? We had some problems finding the hotel here, but nothing that we couldn't handle. Arrival was still fairly early, so we went to the Hog's Breath for a couple of beers untill we could check into our room at 4. Ended up at Margaritaville for dinner, and both of us had a Cheeseburger in Paradise. Yum. Took a little extra time walking back, and then we have been watching the final two games of the Women's Gold Cup (soccor.) China beat Canada, so they got third. The Brazil/USA game is still going on, but the US is ahead and Brazil's starting goalie got injured. Going to bed after the game is over, because tommorrow (the FOURTH of JULY) will be a long day. At least they have their fireworks on the right day down here...

July 4, 2000-Independence Day

A nice day of shopping out on Duval St. We also went to the Hemingway house. There was something like 60 cats on the premises. For dinner we went to, you guessed it, Margaritaville again. I had a margarita, and still don't like tequila as much as I used to. At least it didn't make me feel sick to my stomach, though. We are planning on watching the fireworks (yes, they actually have them on the fourth down here) from the hotel. I think they are across the island, but I am just too sick of walking right now. The sunset was nice, so now it is just time untill it is dark enough for them to start the show over at White Pier. I also picked myself up another 4 t-shirts. That is a good thing, because I was starting to wonder if I might have to wash some before I got home. I still might have to, but this will put it off a few more days. After the fireworks, mi paco y myself went to a couple of bars. We had a lot of fun, and I am a little bit tipsy so I shall now go to sleep. Upload complete...

July 5, 2000-Key West/Tampa/Orlando

Another great day of driving. I love it. Really I do. Between Tampa and Orlando, the westbound traffic was well backed up. Two seperate accidents, I believe. I'm not sure what the first one I passed was for sure, but there were a bunch of cop cars there, and I am pretty sure I saw what looked like a movie camer?!? The other one was a semi that had done a 180 and ended up in the median of the road. From the looks of it, he was pretty damn lucky he didn't roll the thing. There were some nice gouges out of the grass where the trailer had swung about. Got back to Mike's apartment around 7pm, and watched some TV for a while. Then we had a couple of beers, and watched The Big Lebowski. Quite and interesting movie, I have to admit.

July 6, 2000

Well, I slept in a little while today. I woke up and realized that there was a problem with my power adapter. I had to go and buy a new one, and it cost me WAY too much money. It isn't even the power adapter for my generation of PB, but it works. I miss my old one already. I had also meant to buy a carrying case for this thing, but I forgot about that while I was there. Drat. Maybe I will go back in tommorrow and do that, or call up my cousin Donna to see if I can get it delivered to her place while I am there. I just know I should really get one before I hit NYC. Other than that, I have pretty much just been talking to people online. Kinda hoping that matt comes on soon. Oh, and I changed the days to dates just to please Keagan. He better appreciate the time and effort I put into that just for him...

July 7, 2000

Well, today was just like most. I did absolutely nothing all day except sit online and talk to people. Went and got my oil changed, and then sat around untill we had to head up to Ocala, FL for Mike's concert. I thought they did a really good job. So, the three bands that I got to see were Strait Jacket (my brothers), Sweatbox, and Grumpy*. I bought the Sweatbox CD, and a Grumpy* t-shirt. We had to leave while Grumpy was playing, because I needed some sleep for the drive to Rhode Island.

July 8, 2000-Aberdeen, Maryland

Well, got started rather late. Even a little late for me. After about a 14 hour drive, which was not all that much fun at all, I got to Maryland. It took me forever to actually find a hotel to stay in, and by the time I got to sleep the birds were starting to make noise. I couldnt' connect to the internet, so it was rather annoying. So, being a little annoyed, I got some sleep.

July 9, 2000-Charlestown, Rhode Island

About a normal time start on driving for me. I really need to start getting on the road earlier. I have become even more annoyed with people today. I hate driving in city traffic. Then again, some of the worst traffic I hit today was in the middle of nowhere in CT. Go figure. I still hate NYC. So, I arrived at Donna's at around 15:30. She has a new little scottish fold kitten. The thing is just so cute. It's kinda smokey gray, and a little striped. We are about to drive around Charlestown, and then go eat. We ate at Three Fish. It was pretty good food, although I would say that I enjoyed the Three Fish Ale better. There is just something about getting beers that are specifically made for the place you are at.

July 10, 2000

Just another manic monday. Or not. I didn't really do much of anything. I woke up around noon, and started playing Star Control 3 again. I hadn't played it in quite a while, and decided I might as well beat it sometime. I ended up playing it until after Donna and Doug got back from work. We had chicken, caeser salad, and baked potatos for dinner. It was quite good. I hadn't had chicken in a while, so I didn't mind. I ended up staying up late playing my game, and decided I should go to sleep when the automatic timer on the lights turned them all off. I have no idea what time that was at, though. I was almost to the point in the game that I deleted it the last time, though.

July 11, 2000

Woke up around noon again, and realized that I needed more smokes. I found a gas station pretty easily, and went in to by a carton. Little did I realize what little I had to pay in NM for one. I had to pay something like $10 more here than I do in NM. What a rip off!! But then, I payed for it anyways. Probably cheaper here than in NYC next week. I came back, and played my game some more. I was closer to beating it than I thought, and finished a little while before Donna got home from work. So, being the slacker that I am, I started playing SimCity 2000. When I heard Donna drive up, I quit out of it not even remembering that we were going to go out for dinner again. So, we got all ready to go to the bar, and all that jazz. On the way to dinner, we stopped by URI and she showed me around campus a little bit. Yes, that would be the University of Rhode Island. It was a pretty interesting campus, although I couldn't see myself there. Maybe a few of y'all down at NMT, but who know. Most likely would be Matt, though. Not sure what kinds of degrees they offer, though. Then we went to Mew's Tavern or something like that for dinner. They have something like 69 kinds of beer there. I was in second heaven. I had a couple of different beers from Scotland/Ireland, and they were both really good. Not too sure they went with the bean burrito I had for dinner, though. Surprisingly, that burrito wasn't even all that bad. I guess that Chartwells can make most anything seem pretty tasty. We came back and listened to some of my music on my computer for a while, and now at 23:00 I am headed to bed.

July 12, 2000

Crikey. I can't rightly remember that I did anything today. Just basically another day of playing a few of my computer games. The most prominent game I was playing was Age of Empires. I also played a bit of SimCity2000. Went out to dinner at a place called Mary's, and had myself a Caesers Salad. Yummie. Also had a Sam Addams for dinner. Don't I lead a most exciting life? The most entertainment I get outside of the people I am staying with is reading my forum on occasion. I'm not sure if it is a good thing the activity has picked back up or not! Sometimes I forget how some of my friends behave. :)

July 13, 2000

I went out and bought myself a carrying case for my computer, and some drugs to help me out with this bloody cold I have right now. I got myself some vitamin C + Echinecea, Halls cough drops, and nyQuil. They all seem to be helping out, and with any luck I will have kicked this thing before I hit NYC next tuesday. I guess we shall see, though. I also played Age of Empires some more, and finished the first (and easiest!) campaign. For some reason the Egyptian campaign is rather easy. Probably because it is also the training campaign. Of course, now I am getting reamed in the Greek campaign. Any suggestions from Mikus? I know you are at work and all that, but I'm sure you have played all the campaign. I think if I could actually get a foothold on this first one I would do fine, but the computer just keeps sending in more and more troops to kill me off. Stupid game anyways. Donna, Doug and I then went out for some Italian food. It had been a while since I had Fettuccini Alfredo. I rather missed it actually. We then drove through Watch Hill on the way back to Donna's. Watch Hill is the rich peoples area. There are some damn nice houses in that area. Only a few of which I would actually be willing to pay the price on, though.

July 14, 2000

Cleaning person is here today. She woke me up around 10 when she opened up the door to my room. So I got up, and was watching a bit of Babylon 5: something or other. Post shadow wars, something to do with the Drak. Carolyn should be able to help me out with the title of it. So when she came in to clean the living room, I have moved outside and down to the cove at the end of Donna's neighborhood. I love hypersaline conditions. For some reason I don't think I would ever swim out here. It is a nice place to sit out and compose my webpage from, though. I love the sound of waves lapping up on shore. I could deal without the sounds of boats, though. Stupid mechanical sounds. Doug is going up to see his family in Mass. tonight, so Donna and I are going to be seeing a Shakespear in the park production of Henry IV somewhere near here. Should be entertaining, although I have not heard much if anything about this specific play. Hopefully there isn't a reason for that, you know? We have already decided to sit near the back, and leave if we weren't enjoying it. It has definitly been a while since I have been sitting on rocks for any length of time. My bum is killing me right now. After the production we will probably head back to Three Fish and have a few drinks. Possibly a different bar, though. I still haven't been to Sliders, which is the local biker bar. Oh, and since Matt supposedly reads my site and I probably won't remember to email him about it later, I hear our hotel in NYC is close to CBGB's (I don't know if that is supposed to be spelled like that or not!!) Maybe we could hit them up one night or something...You know, coming out and typing in the sun really makes me realize just how much I need to clean my computer screen...

July 15-17, 2000

Well, it was just more of the same up in Charlestown, RI. Saw a few more bands, and so on. A lot has kinda happened since this point in time, so my bad on not really remembering it very well...

July 18, 2000-Manhatten, NY

Sucked. That is the best way to put it I think. Got up fine, got out of Donna's house fairly well (I forgot something the first time, but didn't get too far before I realized it.). I got turned around a bit in NYC, but I got to the hotel without too much trouble. Or at least I guess you could call it a hotel. More on that little bit later. When I went to check in, they could not find my reservation. On top of that, both my credit card and my check card were denied!! Then I had to track down my dad to be able to check in with his card. Eventually I got into a room, and then tried to track down Penn Station to meet Matt's train. I couldn't find it. (Of course, I ended up only a block away from it, but so be it). I got back to the room, and tried to cool down a little bit. There were no working soda machines, and no a/c in the building. Matt, Nick, and Friedo showed up about 20 min later at most. We quickly headed over to the Javitz Center so that Matt and I could pick up our press passes (yippie!!) After that, the four of us headed down to the lower east side, and saw an AIDS benefit concert. I dont' feel like trying to rememeber names right now, but they are probably listed (or will be) on Matt's site. They weren't bad, I was just in a really bad/tired mood. I guess they were right when my docs told me that stress increases clinical depression. We got back to the hotel (they called our room a dorm, but it was about half the size of my dorm room!), and tried to get to sleep in the heat of the swealtering room.

July 19, 2000-umm...? north of NYC somewhere.

Macworld KeyNote! Hell yeah. But before I get to that, I should continue with the hell of the hotel. I never suggest staying at the Aladdin Hotel. Of the three of us (Matt, Nick, and myself), none of us slept at all well. We only got a few hours of sleep at most. It was horrible. We woke up, and Matt and I decided there was no way in hell that we were going to stay there another night. So we made up a story about us having to go up to Albany to cover a story about GE, and that we were pissed we weren't covering the expo anymore. I guess it worked, cause they didn't give me too much trouble. We also decided to get out of NYC for the night, so we started thinking about getting up to Friedo's house in some northern suberb. So we headed over to the keynote, and Matt and I went and found the press area (hehe.) After not all that long of a wait we headed into the keynote area. Unfortunantly we were off to the side, but it wasn't too bad. The only real problem with it was that I didn't get any really good pictures of it. My camera didnt' like the lighting or angle or something. I did get some good ones of the crowd, though. During the KeyNote, Steve Jobs announced all sorts of nifty new gizmos, such as a new mouse, keyboard, dual processor G4's, new iMac's, iMovie 2, and then the G4 Cube! The Cube is just a normal G4 shrunk down into an 8"*8"*8" little cube. It looks really spiffy, but I personally prefer the dual processor 500mHz G4. I want, I want!!!! And it is the same price as the old single chip G4. How nifty! Nothing like 7+gigaflops of processing power. Steve ended the keynote just as he had begun, claiming that the new mouse would not be shipped untill something like december. Steve then stated that there was a little cardboard square under all the chairs, and that we were all getting one on the way out the door. So I got myself a new mouse this morning, all for the price of a press pass. Thanks paco! After that, I got seperated from Matt, and didn't find them until about 3 hours later. I was sick and tired of walking around by then. We looked at a couple of booths, and then headed down to the Apple Masters presentation. I have now seen Douglass Adaams from about 15 yards away! Sinbad as well. A few other people as well, but those are the only two names I can remember at this time. Hey Steve! Douglas Adams is a MAC USER!!!!!!!!!!! As is John Cleese!!!! Just how sweet is that. The favourite book of a lot of PC users was written on a mac. I love the HHGTTG "trilogy"! We then walked to the train, and headed up for Friedo's house. That is where we currently are at. Since I am tired, but starting to have a bit more fun, I think I will definitly try and get a good nights rest tonight. Then back to another day at the expo! Tchuess!

July 20, 2000-Kotonha again (so that's where we are!!)

Came back down pretty early in the morning, but missed the first round of conferences for the morning. We walked around the floor for a while, then went to conferences at 13:00. I went to the music synthesisation on a computer thing, and it was quite interesting. I was kinda lost for a lot of it, but I know a lot more of what my brother talks about when it comes to MIDI and all that stuff. We stuck around untill about 17:00 or so, because Friedo wanted to go to on of the conferences at 15:00. We then went and ate at Houlihans, somewhere around 6th Ave and 49th St. We then walked up to Central Park, saw the Trump Tower, and took the subway down to the World Trade Center. Went up to the viewing floor, and plotted how Friedo and I would have to work out how we were going to take it over. After humoring ourselves for a bit, we went back down to the subway, and headed back up to Friedo's house.

July 21, 2000-Columbia Station, OH

Another early transit back down to New York, and we made it in time to go to morning conferences. I went to the Ultimate Powerbook Secrets, or something like that. I found it extremely interesting and fairly informative. After that we all grabbed lunch, then Matt and I poked around a bit more in the press room. Matt then went to another conference, as did Friedo. Friedo has to be at the train station at something like 16:30, so I doubt I will see him again. I'm just walking around the show floor, getting more and more pissed off that there are no copies of Diablo II left on site. Like hell I am going to go somewhere else to get something that I really shouldn't buy due to certain current problems...So I will probably just buy it offline since they aren't giving a show discount on it anyways. I played it for a little while though, and I thought that the first one had been addictive!!! I eventually drug myself down here to the press hospitality room to get something to drink, and am currently trying to decide what the hell I want to go do. I mean, I would go get a map to carolyn's printed out, but I don't seem to be able to log on to So I will just listen to Matt, go out the Lincoln Tunnel, and head towards Philly. From there, I guess I will have hit I-80 or I-94 or something, so I can just head towards Cleveland/Chicago. Due to current money crunches (I think the magnetic strip on my check card went schizo on me,) I will quite possibly not sleep untill I get to Carolyn's place. That will be one hell of a long drive, but so be it. I am trying to take it kinda easy today so that I can do the drive if absolutely necessary. That is why I do not know where I will be staying tonight. It could be anywhere between NYC and Ohio.

July 22, 2000

Woke up kinda late, and Carolyn had to work from 13-21:00. Went out for a hike with her parents and dog. Didn't do all that much, but it was kinda nice that way. I needed a day of relaxation. I also called up Apple to work on getting a new AC adapter for my computer, but since it is Saturday they don't ship and all that. What a pain in the ass. So I am still running on what is left of my power since I last had the chance to charge up my computer. Unfortunantly, that makes it so that I cannot play games on it. I might play a little bit of something tommorrow anyways, and just burn out the battery. I'll call them back on monday, and i should have my new adapter on tuesday sometime. I also took a bunch of pictures while on the hike, so if any of those turned out well, I will be putting them up on my site somewhere eventually. Knowing me, that might take a little while.

July 23, 2000

Woke up late again today, and Carolyn had already left for work. Just sat around watching some TV and playing some games on their PC. Freecell is definitly a time killer... Carolyn's grandmother is over for dinner, and when Carolyn returns at around 18:00 we will be eating. I have gotten absolutely nothing accomplished today. I didn't even eat lunch untill around 16:30. I did talk to Mel for a little bit today, as well. I finally figured out that she was the one that called and woke me up this morning. Other than that, not much has really happened today. I just can't believe that we will be back at school in a about three more weeks. How long have I been on this trip, anyways?

July 24-28, 2000

Once again another long gap of not paying enough attention. I just realized how long I had actually been here...oops...I finally got my new AC adapter for my computer, so I can actually turn my computer back on. What a relief! I was starting to go a bit stir crazy without my computer. Now all I have to do is get Diablo II, and I will be quite happy. I think I might play a game later today, just because I once again can. Carolyn and I tried to see the Linear comet a couple of times, but we couldn't find it. Oh well. Maybe next time it is here, right? That is only in something like 8000 years or so...So, other than that not too much has been going on. I've basically just been sitting around and relaxing all day. I guess I should probably post a specific on for last Tuesday, as I actually did something then...

July 25, 2000

Yes, this is in the middle of the last entry. But I believe that Cedar Point should actually have something said about it. Carolyn and I got there a little bit late, but never the less it was a good long day there. We went on just about every ride in the place, and the Millenium Force just plain kicks ass. That is there new roller coaster that has this huge drop off of the first hill. It is somewhere around 300 ft. When you are going down it, it feels like it is almost a vertical drop, and you come off of your seat a little bit. The ride had one hell of a long wait, with one breakdown, but it was still worth it in the fullest! I mean, it was about a two hour wait for a 2-3 minute ride, but damn that thing was fun. I almost tried to talk Carolyn in to getting back in line just before the park closed at 2300, but she was rather tired and still had to drive. I was just tired, and would have to keep her awake. It was kind of a pity her sister couldn't go with us, because then we probably wouldn't have been wondering the whole time what the time was! Oh well. I had a lot of fun, and kinda wish I would have the chance to go again sometime. But what is the likely hood of someone driving a whole day, but to go to Cedar Point, and then driving back home again? With the exception of clinically insane people, of course...No offense Walter Drallig!

July 29, 2000-Crystal Lake, IL

Well, luckily I am finally almost done driving for a long long time. With the exception of a kinda last minute decision to visit my grandparents, all I have to do is get back to school at some point. Carolyn and I are going to be caravaning down, so when she gets here, we can leave. I'm not sure when she has to be down there yet, though. All I have to say is that it is bloody sweet to be back home, albeit for a short time. Went out with Lara for a while, and had a pretty good night of drinking up at her place of current residence. I just arrived back at my house a lil bit late...

July 30, 2000

Hmm...My trip is basically over, but I guess since I started when I first left Socorro/School I might as well end there as well. So I will keep this going for my belated decision to go visit my grandparents up in MN in a few days. I should probably get back to working in my normal journal as well...I kinda haven't touched that in a VERY long time. Went out and saw my horse today, and was hanging out with Lara again. Steve and I definitly have a house, somewhere out on Lopezville Rd. I kinda know where it is, but not entirely. I'll find it when I get down there, I guess. I'm sure someone there will be able to point me in the correct direction! At least I would hope so...

July 31, 2000

Once again, I sat around all day. I did happen to kill my mom's computer today, though. My brother and I have been trying to get the printer working with it for quite a while now, and the thing keeps getting all funky. I think I ended up breaking the power button somehow, so it is stuck in and the computer won't turn back on. It was just really weird...I thought I had almost gotten the thing working right, too. Oh well. I ain't touchin the thing again. Lara came over and helped me clean out my mother's car. After that, the two of us hung around watching TV for a while.

August 1, 2000-Northome, MN

Or is it Max, MN...Last I checked the mailing addy here is Northome. It is Itasca County, though. I'm now up here with my grandparents, and they are watching the Republican Convention on PBS. I'm loving it. Really I am...Actually, I am thinking about putting in one of my games. As for the actual day so far, it was long boring drive up here, and took way too long. (Says me who has driven 14 hour days this summer, as opposed to this simple 9 hour deal...) I'm getting too old for this stuff. I got in around 18:00, and discussed my summer with my grandparents. I find it kinda humorous that my grandfather can't believe that I have so many female friends at school, and haven't really persued any of them. It's like they want me to get married off as soon as I can or something. I thought my parents would pressure me on that one before anyone else really did...Of course, it ain't like nothing has happened at all this summer, but y'all don't need to know about that if I don't tell you personally ;) Tchüß!

August 2-3, 2000

Did some canoeing and the like. Mostly just hung around and played Age of Empires. I think I am about half way through the Greece campaign. At least I am if it has as many maps as the Egyptian one did. Trying to get through it before school starts again, so that I have fewer distractions when it comes to my classes. Went out to eat both nights, and basically had a couple of really relaxing days.

August 4, 2000-Crystal Lake, IL

Once again back home. The drive was annoying once again, and I think there was some new construction in the two days I stayed in MN. Odd. Got back and hung out with Lara. My parents are down in FL for my brothers graduation, so not much was going on when I got here. Had to feed the cats, and bring in mail and garbage/recycling recepticles. Had a panzarotti for dinner, and a beer. I hadn't had a Killian's in a while, so it tasted pretty good.

August 5, 2000

Woke up way too early today. I was actually up and about by 8. Is there something wrong with me? I doubt it. There is always a good reason to feel energetic early in the morning. Since then (it is now 11:00) I have just been hanging out on the net, and listening to music on my computer. I'm in the process of downloading the Diablo demo. I'll have to remember to have Keagan bring the actual game down to school again. I kinda miss it for some reason. Hopefully I will have Diablo II before too long, and will be burying myself in that for a while. One of my neighbors was mowing his lawn at 7 this morning, and not too long after that they started working on the house going up across the street. I thought I only had to deal with this kind of stuf at school. What an annoyance. And to top it all off, I'm feeling in the mood to do something drastic to my website again. I don't know what, though. I just need to come up with a way to feel like I am doing something to it other than just my personal thoughts on life. Who knows. I'll probably be hanging out with Lara again later, as usual this summer. I'm not sure when she will get done working, though. And I should probably put on real clothes sometime today as well. I'm feeling rather lazy right now.

August 6, 2000

Woke up early again, and did absolutely nothing. Parents arrived home around 16:30, we ate, and I searched frantically for phone numbers of people that were still in town and not doing anything. Alas, the search yielded no fruit. I did get ahold of Caitlin, though. I couldnt' find Sean or KT's numbers, though. And Cait already had plans. Ended up just sitting online for most of the day, or watching TV. Sounds like fun, eh? Yeah, right...

August 7, 2000

Still working on getting my sleep habits back on track for school to start again. Today I woke up shortly after 8:00. I've mostly just been sitting on my computer again. Talked to Mel, Steve, and my old RA for a while this morning, and am talking to Mel again now. Finally got ahold of Sean, and it seems that there will now be 5 of our old group going out on wednesday night. Sean, KT, Caitlin, Sarah and myself. KT and Cait are planning the night, so I think I should be scared. And since neither of them even knows about my website as far as I know, I don't have to worry about them seeing that. Not sure what is going on the rest of the night. Perhaps I will be doing something with one or more of the following: Lara, KT, Caitlin. Not sure as of yet, but we shall see.

August whatever...

ok, so i didn't keep posting. so sue me. not that there was anything all that interesting for the rest of the summer, but hey. this therefore will conclude my summer of traveling.

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